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Judy and Nick got to work and had a assignment to find a guy in tundra town who is blasting stuff with his toxic gun,driving past the speed limit and stealing cars,money and jewelry for the past 4 weeks,chief bogo gave them the places he been in while stealing stuff ,Judy and Nick got into there car and drove to one of the stores that sell jewelry and asked questions, in one of the question the owner said he was white,fluffy and big but he put something on the counter and did what the shrew told him what to do and what to steal then the polar bear took off with the shrew,they thought it was mr. Big but they knew it wasn't him and asked him questions but no evidence that it was him, when they were about to leave mr. Big said about his evil brother who would do stuff like that, mr. Big said he changed but then he became evil again,mr.big told him were he live witch was in Sahara square in a mansion and at night he would go in to the casinos and play games he was even richer then Mr.Big.

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