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June 2013


Today was the day my best friend was coming home.

Jonathan Toews has been my best friend since childhood; we grew up together and have been inseparable ever since. When he got drafted by the Blackhawks, he left me in Winnipeg. I had to finish college anyways.

But now they had just won the cup for the second time in four years. Jon was coming back, and I was more excited than ever.

I waited in the airport near the baggage claim, looking around for his familiar brown hair. After a few minutes, I noticed him making his way down the stairs that led to the baggage claim area.

He looked around and caught my eye. I grinned and waved excitedly to him. He returned the smile and hopped of the escalator, practically running over to me.

"Alex!" he exclaimed as he engulfed me in a huge hug.

"Hi Jon," I giggled as he picked me up and twirled me in a circle before setting me back down. "How was the flight?"

"It was okay," he said. "I'm glad to be back," he sent a smirk my way.

"Good to have you home Jonny."

We got his luggage and caught up the whole ride home. I tried to attend as many games as I could this year, which wasn't much. It was great to see him again.

"So Al," he said as we were unloading his luggage from the trunk. I had picked him up and driven him to his apartment before we were going to his parents' place for dinner with both our families. "I have a proposition for you."

"And what would that be?" I wondered.

He unlocked his apartment and let us in. "What would you think of coming back to Chicago with me?"

"Like a vacation?" I asked, confused.

Jonathan rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I was thinking more like permanently."

I let out a breath. "I don't know. Don't get me wrong, I really want to, but I don't want to impose."

"You won't be imposing, I swear. We never see each other anymore and I miss my best friend," he whined.

I sighed, knowing I could never say no to him. "I'll have to start packing soon. And you have to help me look for an apartment."

"Yes!" He yelled. I laughed at him. "Well I'm going to unpack. You can help me or do whatever."

"I'll just leave. You're pretty boring anyways," I joked.

Jon rolled his eyes. "Very funny Al."

After he was unpacked we headed over to his parents house. Our families always had a dinner together when Jonathan came back for the summer.

September 2014

I had been living in Chicago for two years now. After a few months, I met my boyfriend Ryan. We moved in with each other about four months ago, so I was living with him now.

"Ryan, I'm leaving!" I yelled as I grabbed my purse.

He came out of the kitchen and gave me a kiss. "Bye babe. Have fun at work."

I left and drove to work. I worked as a physical therapist in the city. I met with a few clients before I took my lunch break.

After a long day, I headed back to my apartment and got changed into some jeans and a light sweater. Jonathan had invited me to dinner with him and Patrick.

"Hey Jonny," I greeted him as I hopped in his car.

"Hi Al," he responded and began to pull away from the apartment complex.

I noticed the car was quieter than usual. "I thought Pat was coming with?"

"I picked you up first so you could have shotgun," he explained.

I wiped away imaginary tears and placed a hand over my heart. "You know me so well." Jonathan laughed and we picked up Patrick.

"Well if it isn't my two favorite best friends," Patrick smirked as he got in the backseat. "How's it hangin' Tommy?"

I rolled my eyes at Patrick's nickname for me, since my last name was Thomas. "Great, until you got here," I said sarcastically.

"That's not very nice," Pat pouted.

"You know what else isn't very nice? Not saying hi to someone," Jonathan sassed.

"Sorry Cap," Patrick hit his shoulder lightly. "Anyways, where are we going?"

"Ooo can we go to Angelo's?" I asked. "Their Italian food is so good."

"Angelo's it is!" Jon exclaimed.

Dinner was great. It was fun to hang out with Jonathan and Patrick again; we hadn't done something like this in a while.

Once I got home, Ryan wasn't there. I found a note on the counter from him, telling me that he'd gone out with some friends for the night and not to wait up for him.

I sighed through my nose as I went upstairs. I had a long day and was ready to just get in bed and sleep.

heyyy everybody!

so i changed the first chapter a bit which is gonna affect the whole story obviously but i think this plot is going to work out better!!

i just realized i haven't updated this story in almost a year omfg. don't worry this is going to be my only priority for now and i'll try to update as soon as i can but jus a warning i'm super busy this year since it's my junior year and i have to start looking at colleges and i'm super stressed so yeah sorry if i don't update consistently but i'll do my best!

anyways if you're still reading this story thanks ily!

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