Chapter 6

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(Shadow Guys Pov)

"I want to make love to you Elisabeth, I love you." I say to her as we're slow dancing in the middle of a golf course.

"But-but." Is all she said. I cut her off by crashing my lips on hers. Wait what the fuck am I doing? This must be a fucking dream, If she's kissing me back.

We're on s golf course alone, she's unbuttoning her shirt. I stare at her as she takes it off. This can't be happening I'm making love to the love of my life, she's mines for once at least in my dream.

She runs to me with just her bra on, jee i'am hard as a rock. I hope I'm not poking her while were sleeping. I lay her down on the blanket that's on top of the grass, I climb over here unbuckling her pants.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

"Shit her fucking alarm goes off. I hear her groan at the sound. I love when she gets aggravated at the sound of the alarm. But it ruined my fucking dream, I was just about to make love to my only love that I had all to myself.

She yawns and stretches her arms before getting out of bed. She walks to her closet to pick some clothes out for school. Good she looks so cute when she her hair is all wild, and have her sleepy face on.

Hey what the hell am I doing? I'm the evil shadow, not the lovely douby type, I want to make her life miserable I'm not suppose to be thinking about her.


(Elisabeth Pov)

I wonder what the hell this shadow was moaning about in his sleep, I heard him say hmmmffh like what the actual fuck could he be dreaming about. God I hope it wasn't about us fuck no.

As I get myself ready, I hear my iPod go off. Must be Sandra. I grab my iPod off the night table, checking my messenger app.

New message

From Sandra: "Are you ready?"

Me: " Yes i'am ready."

Sandra: " On my way."

"So miss Sarah girl is coming?" The shadow guy ask.

"Yes, and it's Sandra, not Sarah." I replied annoyed. Why is he so damn annoying so early in the morning, I'm so fucking sick of him.

I grab my backpack and my keys and head downstairs to wait for Sandra. I take a muffin off the table that my parents had bought last night. My dad loves muffins especially with coffee in the mornings.

I hear the door bell ring as I'm sitting at the table stuffing my face with my muffin. I get up from the table as the crumbs fall off my shirt and run to the door. I yell to my parents that I'm leaving and head out with Sandra. I make sure my door is lock before walking out of my front yard.

The walk to school with Sandra is pretty quiet, excepted for this damn shadow yapping in my ears about how much he hate Sandra. She hasn't done anything to him.

We arrive to the school house, as we enters the hallways are crowded as usual. I see Mr.Styles walking to the classroom. Sandra and I walk to our lockers to put our things away only taking the math book to class.

The first period bell rings and Sandra and I starts to walk to class. I feel like I'm dragging myself and I don't know why. As we enter the classroom my eyes go wide at my teacher, God he is so fucking hot. Today he has on a long trent coat, with a button up cheetah shirt, with his black skinny tight jeans still showing his crotch areas, and his brown heel boots. His hair is down today and wow it's just long and curly. Why am I 15 again? I should've of been born in the 90's or something, I would be old enough to date my teacher.

New Message:

Shadow Guy: " Would get over your self you will never have him.. He's gay."

Me: " Well you stay the fuck out of my damn head, you fucking insane. And how you know he's gay ?

Shadow Guy: "I can stay in your mind as long as I want, and as for your gay teacher for me to know and you to find out why your teacher is happy."

Me: " Uggghh I really fucking hate you."

Shadow guy has logged off.

"Uuuugghhh!" I screamed, not realizing I was in a classroom full of my class mates. Everyone looked at me as I slammed my iPod, including Mr.Styles. Great now the whole class thinks I'm fucking insane.

"Elisabeth, can we step outside for a moment?" Mr.Styles ask me, and I nod.

I remove myself from my seat with a bunch of stares from my classmates. As we walk out of the classroom, we walk across to another empty room and Mr.Styles shuts the door. Jee the things we can do... I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

"Elisabeth, would you mind explaining to me what's going on?" Mr.Styles ask.

"I.. I.. Can't tell you nor anyone." I reply.

"If there's something bad happening, you can tell me and I'll help you.. No one will know." He says, as he take my hands into his big hands.

"Ok, Are you sure you won't tell anyone?" I ask to be sure.

"I'm sure." He says and mean it.

"Well... It's this shadow that's been around me for 2 months now. He has blonde hair blue eyes, and he has this thick accent. He's says... In order to see him, I have to meet the real him." I explained really fast and now I'm out of breath.

"Wait, blonde hair and blue eyes?" Mr.Styles asks. His face has a confused look on his face.

"Yes." I reply.

"That sounds like my friend Niall, I think he's got the same problem, it's maybe a female. Because Niall's been acting pretty weird too lately and now i see why." Mr.Styles say.

"Wow, so is it your friend that I have to meet?" I ask. I'm feeling a little bit of nervous here.

"Yes, maybe if you two meet the shadows of y'all evil instinct will go away." Mr.Styles say. But Niall is way older no one can't know about your relationship or he'll get fired and he loves his teaching job.

"I know, how old can he be?" I ask, hoping he won't say that old.

"Well, he's 18 years old." Mr.Styles replies.

"Oh that's not that bad. Do you have a picture of him?"

"I can have him come down here and you can see him, how's that?" He ask, and I nod my head in reply.

He pulls out his phone and text his friend Niall.

With in seconds there's a knock on the door, The same boy I described to Mr.Styles, is the same boy that entered the empty classroom. Our eyes immediately locked and I'm lost for words, I can't even speak straight. Mr.Styles is speaking but none of us budges to move. He still standing at the door with our eyes still locked at one another.


(Hey guys I hope you guys like this chapter please let me know your thoughts on this chapter. Please read, vote, and comment. Thank you love you guys.)

(Real Persons)



I choose this song because it fits this chapter. Mr.Styles showed Elisabeth Niall so yeah. And I low key love this song lol. But I'm still a directioner don't worry.

Please enjoy.

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