"After Dark" - A Dark Larry Stylinson Fanfic

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Louis' head was throbbing.

When his best mate Niall had insisted Louis come to the new club in town, The Drunken Cat, with him, he hadn't anticipated it to be this crowded. Niall had failed to mention that it was opening night, so Louis hadn't expected quite so many sweaty bodies advancing on him.

"C'mon Lou! I hear the drinks are shite but there be plenty'a blokes to choose from. Take yer pick!" Niall called loudly in his Irish brogue over the current pop song blasting through the speakers. Louis could make out Niall's giggle as he watched girls pass by them, hips swaying enticingly.

"Gonna go catch me a bird," Niall winked, "I'll be seeing ya mate." Niall went after the girls that had just made their way past them, following them like a lost puppy. Louis rolled his eyes, but chuckled nonetheless.

Louis wasn't the type to go clubbing; he preferred sitting by the fire and curling around some young adult romance novel instead. He was halfway through the third book of the "Hush, Hush" saga and he couldn't wait to get home and find out what Nora sees when she touches Jev's scars for the first time since her abduction. Louis shook his head, clearing his thoughts. Maybe if he sat around for an hour or so and drank a few beers, Niall would let him leave early. Louis found a stool at the bar and asked the overwhelmed bartender for a pint. Being social had never been Louis' forte; he was too awkward, blushed far too much, and stumbled over his every word. He had always been jealous of Niall and his carefree demeanor. If you handed Niall a pint and a burger he'd take on any situation thrown at him and make it hilarious one. Niall made every moment happy and memorable whereas Louis made every moment awkward and tense. Louis thought of himself as far too feminine - growing up with only a mum and four little sisters proved that point beyond argument. Not to mention his dainty and slim features, well all except his stomach and arse. Although he had high and defined cheekbones and a sharp chin, his stomach and bum were anything but slim. He had a small tummy that poked out just a bit and a bulbous bum that put any girl's to the test. Oh and the fact that he was gay. Louis had moved out of his mum's house in Doncaster when he was nineteen, traveling to London to become a Uni student and working in a small vintage record shop called Vinny's Vinyls. That was where he had met Niall, his flat-mate, and decided to room with him until he was able to afford a place of his own. Niall and Louis had become so accustomed to each other that they'd just decided to stay roommates and work together at Vinny's while attending the same school. Louis was an English major, finding it easier to express himself in words on paper rather than words spoken aloud. Niall and Louis had just finished their last exams before Christmas break and Niall decided they should go and celebrate by getting pissed drunk rather than stay at the flat like Louis usually did. Niall was the party-goer, not Louis; that was how they meshed so well.

Suddenly there were hands wrapped around Louis' waist, causing him to jump up and spin around, breaking out of the stranger's grasp. The boy who had his hands on Louis not ten seconds earlier was standing there with a Cheshire cat grin spread wide on his lips, dimples dotting his cheeks. He had a head full of chocolate curls and bottomless jade eyes framed with thick brown lashes. He was absolutely stunning.

"Hello there love, did I scare you?" He asked in a deep purr.

"Um - I - I just -"

"No need to be nervous," the boy grinned again, "just thought I'd come over and ask why a gorgeous boy like yourself was sitting here all alone."

"I - I'm not alone," Louis stuttered out quickly, "I'm here with -"

"That blonde bloke that left you for some fit girls? He was adorable but I find you much more interesting." The boy's dimples surface again and Louis had no words. What was he supposed to say to that?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2013 ⏰

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