Green Rose (one shot)

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Green Rose

I'm on my way back to the Philippines. So excited to come back after ten long years of staying in the States.

"I'm back." First words I utter when the airplane landed in NAIA. I immediately do some stuff and drove my way to San Martin. There is one person I am really excited to see. It's him, Keith.

My name is Therese, 18. I'm having my vacation here in the Philippines and I am planning to stay at my bestfriend's house which happens to be Keith's abode. Yes, he's my bestfriend and my first love.

- Keith's House -

*knocks on the door*

"Wait, I'm coming." I can hear Tita Carol's voice. Keith's mom. And as she opens the door, her face full of surprise.

"Therese, hija. Is that you?" Tita Carol. I just nodded and gave her a sweet smile.

"Oh my, you grow up into a lovely young lady. Come in, come in hija. I prepared something for you. Your mom called me all the way from the States to inform me your coming." Tita said while preparing the table for our lunch. She prepared my all time favorite calamares and some delicious vian.

"You should haven't cooked this much Tita. It's only the two of us and ... Keith right?" I am really eager to know where Keith is.

Tita Carol just gave me a weak smile.

"He's not yet home hija. Maybe later. But hija I just want to tell you that Keith is not the same as he was years ago. He had change ... a lot. " I can sense sadness and despair from Tita Carol's voice.

"Nevermind that. Let's eat." Tita Carol. She's trying to lighten up the mood.

"Sure of course. I wanna try all these foods. I think I'm going to gain weight in my stay here." I joke around. But the thought of Keith had changed a lot is still menacing me. How much had he changed? Am I still his bestfriend? These thoughts keep messing me around.

After our lunch Tita allowed me to rest first. I stayed at the guest room and after arranging my things, I took a shower and sleep.


I woke up when I heard noises, it's near the gate. I checked the digital clock at my bedside table and it says 11:28 pm. I haven't eaten my dinner. I noticed a note and it says ...

Hija, I didn't wake you up coz I see you're having a sweet sleep. If you're hungry, I left your food at the fridge. :)

I smile at the thought, how Tita had been a good mother. She's nice and caring and lovable and etc. It's just sad that she and Tito Edward separated.

I can hear my stomach sounds like stampeding elephants. I make my way downstairs and to the kitchen. I turn on the light and immediately search for food. My eyes twinkle when I saw a plate of pasta on the fridge. I took it and was about to taste it when I hear someone.

"Who are you?" a cold voice.I got nailed on the floor. I can't see his face because he is standing at the dim side of the room.

He slowly walks towards me and a demigod was revealed. He's so d*mn hot. And as he walks towards me, I slowly walk backwards. But then, I've got trapped and the sink is my dead end. He then stopped infront of me and trap me with his hands on my both sides rested on the sink. He lean towards me. Gosh our faces were just inches away.

I examined his face from his hair up to the tip of his chin. And by the looks of it, he was ...

"Keith?" I ask unconciously.

Green Rose (one shot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon