Kinds of Animals

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Herbivores - are animals that eat plants. Examples of herbivores are rabbits,monkeys,and horses.

Predators - are dangerous animals. Examples of predators are snakes,lions,tigers,and eagles.

Omnivores - are animals that eat both plants and animals. Examples of omnivores are cats,and fish.

Carnivores - are animals that eat other animals. Examples of carnivores are alligators,and leopards.

Some animals are useful and some are harmful. Cows give us milk, chickens give us eggs, and dogs can tell us if there is danger by barking. That's how animals are useful. Lions can eat us, some spiders are poisonous, and flys can put some poo in our food. That's how animals are harmful.

Some animals can protect themselves from predators, hunters or enemies. A leaf-imitating mantis can pretend that it is a leaf so the predator can think that it is just a leaf. A snake can hide in the grass so the hunter would not see it. Carabaos, goats, and cows have horns to fight their enemies. Animals with slender legs like horses can run as fast as they can. Squids squirt back fluid so they cannot be seen. Skunks spray foul-smelling liquid. Hedgehogs and porcupines have spines to fight their enemies. A turtle can hide in its shell. Some animals can hide in their surroundings because some of them have the same color with their surroundings and you call it camouflage.

The place where animals live is called habitat. Dogs live in the human house, lions live in the jungle, worms and ants live underground, penguins and polar bears live in the snow, fishes live in the coral reefs.

Animals live on different places.Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals. Examples of terrestrial animals are dogs, cats, cows, lions, tigers, elephants, monkeys, giraffes, and bears. Animals that live in water are aquatic animals. Examples of aquatic animals are fishes, sharks, whales, clams, and octopuses. Animals can also live both on land and in water. Examples are turtles and tortoises, alligators and crocodiles, snails, and salamanders.

We can classify animals too.

1.Mammals - are animals that do not produce eggs when they give birth. They give birth immediately. Of course the female mammals are the one giving birth. They are covered with fur or hair. Humans are the highest form of mammals. Examples of mammals are cows, whales, horses, and humans.

2.Birds - are animals that are covered with feathers. The female birds produce eggs when they give birth. Examples of birds are ostriches, chickens, diving birds, robins, penguins, and ducks.

3. Invertebrates - are animals that do not have back-bones. The highest form of invertebrates are insects. Examples of invertebrates are bees, dragonflies, and butterflies.

Body parts of some male animals can attract female animals. For example, the comb of the chicken - the male chickens have bigger combs to attract female chickens. Another example, the horns of the carabao - if two male carabaos likes one female carabao the two

male carabaos will fight. The male carabao who wins the fight will marry the female carabao.

Animals can be pets too. The best pet a person could ever have is a dog. Most people likes dogs as their pets. Dogs are man's best friend. A dog can do tricks, it can jump through hoops, rollover, catch a ball, etc. Dogs have different sizes and colors. There are dogs that are long, dogs that are short, and dogs that are medium-sized. There are dogs that are brown, dogs that are white, dogs that are black, and combination of two or three of these colors.

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Made by: Phil Walter B. Ocampo

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2013 ⏰

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