1. One and Only Love

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[[Note: Takes place after Revelations 2 and RE6. Also, Piers is alive.

Main ship: ClairexSteve

Side ships: ChrisxJill, JakexSherry, Leonx? (you guys can comment who you want Leon to be with or if he should just stay single).

Friendships: Claire and Moira, Claire and Leon, Claire and Jill, Claire and Sherry.

Cute family relationship: Claire and Chris.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything (except for Carter (the new boss of TerraSave) ) Wish I did, though. Then Steve would live and have babies with Claire...]]

Claire was exhausted. Ever since everything that went down with Alex Wesker and Neil dying, hers and Moira Burton's previous boss, TerraSave had been busy. Especially with the new boss, Carter. He was strict, but at least he took a liking to her. However, he didn't quite take a liking Moira.
The red haired adult plopped down onto the sofa in her apartment with a sigh. She closed her eyes for a moment, leaning back. Thank God it was Friday.


Claire opened her eyes and glanced down at the phone in her pocket.

I'll scream if it's Carter handing out some more work for me to take care of, she thought.

She pulled out her phone and swiftly unlocked it. One new message. She tapped it open. It was from Moira.

M: Swear I'm going to lose it if that dickhead pushes me one more damn time.

Claire sighed, shaking her head, a faint smile on her face as she responded to the text. Moira hated it when people pushed her.

C: Just take deep breaths and do the job. As long as you're nice, he'll be nice, too.

M: I guess...

M: Hey, you wanna do anything this weekend? Maybe invite Chris or Leon or someone?

C: Sure. But it may be just us. Chris is trying to "woo" Jill and Leon's got a lot of work to do.

M: What about Sherry?

C: Date with Jake.

M: Shit! Well, just the two of us will be fine, I guess.

C: Yeah...So what are we doing?

M: Mall, movie, lunch, etc...

C: How about all of the above?

M: Sounds good. Tomorrow?

C: Tomorrow.


Time seemed to fly by quickly. It was soon the next day and Claire and Moira had arrived at the mall together at lunchtime. The two young women stopped by the small food court in the mall and ordered themselves some lunch. Claire payed.
As the two sat down and began to eat, Moira asked, "So, how long has Chris been crazy about Jill?"
Claire snickered quietly. "He's been crazy about her ever since he met her. So about a little over fifteen years now."
Moira shook her head, laughing. "Geez...He's lucky Jill isn't on some other guy's dick by now." She grinned slightly.
"Yeah, Chris wouldn't be too happy about that. But it's obvious that Jill is pretty crazy about him, too. They're meant for each other." Claire admitted. She liked Jill, after all. Jill was almost like a sister to her and she was like a female version of her brother. It's no wonder why they were so perfect for each other.
"And who are you meant for?" Moira questioned, a playful smirk on her face.
Claire rose a brow. "What do you mean?"
"Well you've gotta be crushing on someone. What about Leon? Or maybe Piers?" Moira questioned, excitedly.
Claire laughed out of amusement. "Leon? Piers? You're crazy, Moira! I'm not crushing on anyone at the moment. I haven't crushed on anyone since Steve..." She stopped herself from speaking, then. Had she really just thought of Steve? She hadn't thought about him so much in a little over a decade. He was long dead by now. But it wasn't just his death that affected her so badly. It was his last words. He said that he loved her. And it wasn't until that moment that Claire was positive that she loved him back.
But Claire knew why she was thinking about him so much recently. The death of Neil Fisher was very similar to Steve's and even though Claire didn't hold feelings for Neil like she did with Steve, it still brought back those painful memories.

Moira rose a brow, her smirk widening. "Steve, huh?"
Claire sighed, shaking her head. "Never mind that...Steve is...Steve is long gone by now..."
"What happened?" The younger female asked, curiously.
"You know how I told you about my experience with Alexia and Alfred Ashford?"
"Well...Steve was with me during that whole incident."
"What was he like?"
"He was dorky...sweet...like an annoying kid brother at first." She laughed a bit. "He lost his parents to Umbrella, and Alexia injected him with the T-Veronica virus. He turned and died when he saved me. I didn't know for sure if I loved him until he said that he loved me. I've missed him ever since..." She sighed softly. "Ever since Neil's death, the memories of Steve have all just come flooding back."
Moira frowned slightly. "Shit, Claire...I'm sorry...Does anyone else know about Steve?"
"Just Chris and Leon. Maybe Jill, if Chris told her." She shrugged slightly. The more she talked about Steve, the more she could feel herself about to break down emotionally. "But anyway, let's head on down to the movie, okay?"
Moira nodded. "Yeah."

[[So that's it for chapter 1. Got some Cleve feels and some cute Moira and Claire friendship. Don't know when I'll make Steve appear. I'll probably make him appear next chapter or I'll leave it at a cliffhanger. Not sure yet.
But yeah, hope you enjoy this fanfic so far!]]

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2016 ⏰

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