Part 1

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"Just tell us where Clarke and the others are hiding," Abby said, nodding with her words. Her honey-brown colored tresses fell into her bruised eyes.

Her victim was panting hard. "I can't do that," was his frantic reply. He would never give away the location of the kids, even if Abby was Clarke's mother. She just wasn't Abby right now.

Sweat beaded his forehead. He was in utter agony - both physically and mentally. Yet he was bent on keeping up the fight.
"Please, Abby, you have to stop this," he begged, "it's not going to do you any good. You have to come back to me."

He wished his arms weren't pinned down by the nails she'd hammered into him. Or else, he would have grabbed her, squeezed her, snapped her out of it.

Abby's lips curled up in a humorless smile that made Kane shiver involuntarily. "I don't think that would be advisable." she replied calmly.

Kane's blood boiled. This thing, this AI had the audacity to take control of her mind?! Who the hell did she think she was? Despite his pain, he strained against his restraints, and used his cry of pain to scream at her, "Who are you? Where's Abby? I want to see Abby. Now."

Abby tilted her head, as if she was growing tired of him, like he was some plaything and not a human being in agony. Her eyes flashed dangerously. "Abigail is in the City of Light. She is happy; free. Wouldn't you want that for her?"

Kane didn't hesitate as he snarled at her, "Not when you've stolen her memories, forced her into this. How much does she actually remember? Has she already forgotten Jake, and Clarke?"

He paused, then his voice dropped to a low, menacing growl, "If she's forgotten her daughter, so help me, I will-"

"And what about you?" she suddenly asked. Her tone had changed, now she was inquisitive, curious. She was interested, Kane noted.

"What about me?" he asked dejectedly. "Abby would be safer if she did forget about me." His eyes trailed up to her own, and his heart broke for the hundredth time that day. She was grinning right at him.

"You're right," she told him. She leaned over, closer to him. Kane tried hard to still his thumping heart. His breath came out in sharp, short bursts.

"You're absolutely right." she went on, "I can't believe I ever forgave you, for all the things you did to me. All the crap you put me through."

She was seething now, but Kane was too stunned to notice.

"Why did I allow myself to forgive you, Kane?"
Abby lunged out, and her nails dig into the skin on his forearm. He bit back a cry. She burrowed her fingers in deeper as she continued, "You were my enemy. You floated my husband, locked my daughter up, floated my best friend -you had me shock-lashed, tried to kill me twice! You're a monster."

Kane felt his heart shatter, the pieces scattering all over inside his chest. His face was wet. With his blood, or his tears?

"Is this A.L.I.E. talking, or Abby?" He asked softly. His whole body shuddered in protest as he awaited the answer. He knew exactly what she was going to say.

Abby sneered, and leaned over him on the bed, whispering, "You know who."

It was then that Marcus Kane blacked out.

A/N: There will be more parts uploaded soon!

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