Chapter 1 The Start of the end.

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It all started last June when I wandered out into that forest of darkness. At first it was daylight outside, and then suddenly after I took two steps into the forest it all went black. My breathing hitched. The scariness of that place made my heart speed up to a speed I didn't know was possible. As I walked further in enjoying the thrill it gave off. There was a noise that startled me it sounded like something eating, but I couldn't see what it was until I took a step closer it was a human.

As I took a closer look it seemed to be that it was eating something with blood. I took another step and instantly froze. He was eating another human. I screamed and turned on my feet and started to run. I was to late he was in front of me before I knew it. He grabbed ahold of my wrist and said, "Don't be scared I don't bite." in the most sarcastic tone i've ever heard and a huge smirk upon his face. I looked into his eyes and they were bright red. My body started to squirm in his touch and I thought this was it this is the moment it all ends.

I don't remember much else from that night. When I woke up I was in a strange place it wasn't home and my parents were probably worried sick about me. As I turned my head I winced in pain. Instantly reaching up to my neck feeling something odd on my skin. That guy from last night laughed and then said, "Try not to move your head to much or you'll hurt yourself." I screamed at him yelling, "What did you do to me?" His response made me question everything I thought I knew about myself. "I only tried to eat you but your body reacted too quick to my venom and changed you." "Changed me?" I questioned. He responded in the most duh tone and said, "Into one of me." Still confused I questioned "What are you?"

His words made me tremble had I not have been laying down I would have fallen. "A Vampire." My body froze and I wanted to cry and scream I thought these things only existed in fairytales. Everything I knew was a lie. My heart started racing. My thoughts started wondering what was happening to me. "What is your name?" I questioned. " Markus Statton. Why does my name even matter? Once your neck is healed i'm letting you go." He told me. "You can't do that you have to help me I don't know how to do this. I don't even know what I am." I explained.

Somehow I wasn't scared when he said that to me more worried on how life was going to pan out for me i'm so confused now and I don't know how this stuff works or if i'm just supposed to live life the way I used to. "My name is Jazmine in case you were wondering Markus." I told him. He looked at me and his eyes were no longer red they were blue like the ocean with that tiny hint of green in them. His hair was black like the night, his skin looked almost normal. He was tan but he wasn't pale white like they tell you in the stories or the movies. He didn't look like Edward Cullen from Twilight.

For a second I forgot what was going on as I was lost in thought about everything happening to me. I didn't even notice him calling my name. With these thoughts in my head I could feel my eyes welling up with tears. As I was pulled from my thoughts the tender way he called my name. "Jazmine sweetheart look at me what are you crying for?" He questioned. "I'm so scared I don't know what to do or how to survive like this. Do I just go back to my normal life, or do I leave that all behind and start my life over." I explained. I almost forgot he wasn't human with how tender his voice was talking to me.

"Before you can do anything you need to eat and get your strength back." He said. I questioned him. "Eat what exactly if you think i'll be eating a human you're wrong I don't want to do that at all. That's repulsive." "Well you don't have to you can eat animals but you have to eat them raw. You have to kill for your food even if it's not human." He stated. As he went on and on about the things that i'll need to do from now on I started to feel the hunger in my veins begin to rage and tell me it was time to eat. "Jazmine we need to go you need to eat I can see it in the way your eyes are changing." Markus said to me. As I went to sit up it was almost so quick that it took my breath away I was really confused. I asked him "Where do we even go to eat."

"Outside my front door the forest is there and you will have to listen carefully and hunt for your food. You'll know what sounds good when you hear it and once you do you go after it." He told me. As we walked out of his house the forest was sure enough right there. The instant I stepped foot onto the forest ground I heard the sound of a rabbit, deer, and so many other animals the one that caught my attention the most was that rabbit. I could smell it so I let my senses take control. I started running towards my food. My speed was incredible. I picked up that rabbit and smelt its scent and my teeth almost instantly sunk into the rabbit's body. The blood and the meat tasted so good to me. Once I finished my meal I ran right back to Markus' door.

The sight of him wasn't there. So I went inside and then I saw him sitting down at the table. "Good meal?" he stated more than questioned. I laughed the said "Surprisingly it was delicious. I've never tasted something so good." He looked at me and said "Good now that you've eaten you'll be able to control your hunger for a couple of days but that's all that an animal can do is hold you for a couple of days. How old are you Jazmine?" In that instant I remembered today was my 19th birthday and now I could go see my family today that's why I was in town. "I'm 19 as of today Markus and because of you I can't go to my parents house for my birthday party they were throwing me." I told him, The anger towards him started to boil in my skin. I was infuriated with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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