Chapter 1

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Callie Brown's POV
"I love you spongy girl!", he said as he got on his knees.

"Very funny Ky. Now get up and stop making a scene", I said laughing at him and pulled him up.

"You never take me seriously spongy girl. You hurt me!", he said faking a sad expression that just made me laugh harder.

"What has gotten into you today? You seem to be in a very romantic mood", I asked grinning at him as we made our way out of the gym.

"I miss you so much. I want you", he said holding my hand. I stopped walking and turned towards him.

"Oh but I don't", I said with a serious expression and stuck my tongue out at him and he just started laughing.

"I will never get hurt no matter what you say because I know you don't mean it spongy. Besides I love you and I know you better than anyone in this world", he said smiling.

"Stop calling me spongy", I told him crossing my arms above my chest.

"I can't. You're so soft baby and spongy suits you perfectly!", he said smirking.

"Kyron, you're such a...", I told him trying to finish my sentence.

"Such a what spongy?", he asked laughing.

"You're such a dash guy Kyron Matthew!", I told him with a grim face and he just laughed at me.

"Haha! No matter how much you try but you can never use the F word baby", he said laughing at me and eventually I joined him in the laughter.

"Yeah true", I told him.

He dropped me at my apartment as usual and was on his way back home. I preferred climbing up the stairs to my apartment and I couldn't stop the smile that were forming on my lips. Kyron was my best friend and he did know me better than anyone. He was always there for me when I needed him and he was the only person with whom I could be myself.

I knew he had different feelings for me and today wasn't the first time he proposed me, but I kept dodging him as always. At first I wasn't sure if it was love but later I realized I loved him too. I couldn't imagine a life without him and it's fun to tease him. But I have been teasing him a lot these days and I decided to end it today. I'm going to propose him tonight and I'm going to make it a magical night for him.

Two hours had passed by before I knew it and I had bought all the things that I needed for tonight. I wanted tonight to be special, the day I'm sure he had been waiting for, for a long time.

'Hey Ky, just wanted to know if you're free tonight. We could maybe go out for dinner?'

I sent him a quick text and he replied almost immediately.

'Sure thing spongy! See you at 8?'

Before I could reply, I got a call from my uncle.

"Hello dear! I heard you didn't come to office today, so just called to make sure if you're okay", he asked me concerned.

"Yes uncle, I'm fine. Just had some work to finish. Will see you tomorrow", I told him.

"Ok dear. Take care. Bye!", he said.

"You too. Bye uncle", I told him and ended the call.

My uncle was like a father to me and I loved him with all my heart. He took care of me like his own daughter and offered me a job in his own company, that I gladly took.

'Busy baby?'

I got a text from Kyron and replied to him.

'Sorry baby. I Was on a call. 8 sounds fine to me. I will meet you at 8 at your favourite restaurant.'

Kyron Matthew's POV

'Sure spongy'

I replied to her and placed my phone on the table. Something was different about her today but I didn't give it much thought. As long as I get to spend time with her, I really don't care about anything else. I loved her with all my heart and she was everything I needed. I don't know what the relationship was between us but it was definitely more than friendship, less than love. I never had to hide my feelings with her and so I told her how I felt. She never accepted it or rejected it, she just kept ignoring it and I didn't want to push her too much. But I only wished she would also love me back one day.

It was 8.15 and I was waiting for her at the usual place. She was never the one to be late so it got me a little worried. I tried calling her but her phone was switched off. That was wierd. She never turns off her phone. So I called her mom.

"Hello Ky. How are you?", she asked me brightly.

"Hello Mrs.Brown. I'm good. I just called to ask if Callie is still at home or she already left?", I asked her trying to sound casual.

"Callie never came home Ky. I thought she was with you", she said and she sounded a little worried now.

"Oh I...yeah...she said she will meet me at 8 but she never showed up. Anyway I guess she is just stuck up sonewhere. I will find her and give you a call. Don't worry Mrs.Brown", I said reassuringly and ended the call.

I tried calling her again and again but I got the same response. As time flew by, I grew more concerned and I didn't know what to do. I called her mom and told her that Callie was missing. I searched for her everywhere but didn't even find a single trace of her.

The early morning rays of sun hit my face as I continued to drive but still couldn't find her.

'Where are you baby?', was the only thought that kept running through my mind and I wanted nothing more than to find and hold her in my arms and make sure she is okay.

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