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Taylor was anxiously looking around the the room full of students and parents. She couldn't believe he wasn't here yet when he knew how important today was for her. He promised he'd be here.

"Taylor, there you are! C'mon it's about to start!" Karlie, her best friend, ran up to her and started dragging her away. Taylor pulled her arm out of her grasp shaking her head.

"My dad's not here yet, Karlie. I can't go in until he comes. Why don't you go inside and save him a seat? I'm sure he'll be here any second." She wasn't sure if she was trying to convince Karlie or herself. She wanted her dad to be here more than anything and she just had to trust that he would come. Karlie sighed, she knew he wasn't coming.

Ryan Swift, Taylor's dad, was a very important business man who ran a hugely successful company in the textile market. He was a wealthy man. It seemed like the perfect life since after all, what teenage girl didn't want a rich dad who so happened to work around clothing/fashion? But for Taylor It wasn't as glamorous as it sounded. All of the materialistic things didn't matter. Her dad was always flying all over the world working and barley had anytime for her and her mom had passed away when she was too little to even remember anything about her.

Not only did she hardly see her dad because of his work but also because when she started high school she enrolled in to a boarding school. Taylor always felt trapped living in a big house where she felt like she couldn't properly grow. She wanted to be independent and try new things, explore the world and write down everything she saw because she loved writing. She wrote songs, poems, stories, any form of writing she could express herself through. And at the end of the day it was like her dad didn't even live with her. So that's how she ended up at Elite Way.

It really did live to it's name since the only way to get in was by either being really smart or rich. Taylor loved school and was always a straight A student so it wasn't hard to get in.

Right now it was the ending of the school year and her Junior year. Just like the end of every year they were having a ceremony for those leaving, those coming in, and those moving on to the next grade. Taylor had the honor of presenting the valedictorians from the Seniors since she had the best grades from her class and even some of the Seniors themselves. Even if it didn't seem like much of a deal it was very important to her. She felt her heart drop as the seconds past realizing that her dad wasn't going to come. It wasn't even about him not showing up anymore, she was almost 18 almost leaving to go to college, and it hurt her to say she couldn't remember the last time she spent the weekend with him.

"Taylor... I don't think he's going to show" Karlie softly said bringing Taylor out of her thoughts. She gently put a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Taylor moved her head to the side away from Karlie so she couldn't see the tear that fell. "Let's just go in and get this over with." She said clearing her throat and began walking away.


Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England

Harry shakily traced his finger over the picture. It was taken when he was 7 but it felt like yesterday. They were so happy back then that it hurt to look at it. He couldn't remember the last time he smiled that big and felt that happy since the accident. He flipped to the next picture in the album and let out a tiny laugh as he remembered the day it was taken. The picture was of a 10 year old Harry in his dad's arms as he spun him around and Harry had his arms stretched out pretending he was an airplane. With his other hand he grabbed the paper airplane necklace around his neck and held it tight. He couldn't stop the tears from falling as he continued to look through the various picture albums spread across his bed.

Why? Why did this have to happen to him and his family? They were good people, bad things weren't supposed to happen to good people. Everyday that went by the pain seemed to grow. How was he going to live when his best friend wasn't with him anymore? Harry wanted to understand how everyone around him expected him to "move on with life" when his life was put down 6ft underground in a coffin. He was never going to give him advice again, hear his laugh, have him defend him against his mum when she was angry he got another tattoo, watch him play with his sister, look at the love on his face his dad got when he was looking at his mum, he was never going to see him do anything ever again. And that wasn't fair.

He had so much pain, hurt, and anger bottled up inside him he was scared. Anger can change a person, manipulate you in to thinking that what you were doing and thinking was good if it justified the meaning. He was scared of becoming a different person. But the more he thought about how unfair life was for taking away his father, not only from him but from his sister and mother, the more angry he got. He had to do something to make the pain feel okay.

The sound of someone opening his door brought him back from his thoughts and he quickly whipped his tears with the back of his hands and straightened himself up on his bed. His little sister came running in to his room and stopped in front of him. Harry smiled while reaching out to ruffle her hair.

"Hey, princess." She playfully smacked his hands away then looked at his bed and saw all the albums. She tilted her head to the side with a curious look on her face.

"What are you looking at?" Harry looked down at his bed and moved the pictures aside then turned to look at her.

"Nothing, just looking at some old pictures." He shrugged. Gemma walked closer to him and looked in to his sad green eyes and hugged him. It was quiet for a minute until her tiny voice spoke up.

"Why did daddy go? Did he not love us anymore so he left?" She sadly asked while laying her head on her brother's shoulder. Harry hugged her back tightly kissing her head. He tried so hard not to cry because hearing his sister talk like that broke his heart. He has been so focused on how he was feeling and what he lost that he didn't stop to think about how hard this must be for her when she was daddy's girl. He calmed himself down then gently moved her so she was looking at him. He cupped her face in his hands.

"It wasn't like that princess, okay? Dad loved us with all his heart. Promise me you won't ever forget that." She nodded her head, "Dad isn't with us because a bad man took him away, not because he didn't love us anymore."

"Do you know who the bad man is?" She asked shyly. Harry sighed and brought her in for another hug.

"No princess I don't."

Not yet, anyway.


I'm really excited for this! I've had time off from school and work and I was watching some shows on netflix when I came across a spanish tv show I used to watch when I was little called Rebelde. It's basically about these 6 kids, it's a group of kids really but the main ones are 6 of them, who come from different backgrounds and lifestyles but are brought together by their love of music, family and friends, and fighting for what's just and right. So while I was watching it (400 something episode and I finished it all in 2 weeks!) I coudln't help but want to write it and kinda put my own spin to it. Like if you've watched it before it will basically be like an english version of the show but not really. The characters are going to be different, I'm gonna take some out, and have different endings and scenarios that I would have liked to happen. And instead of the 6 main characters it's going to be 4. This prologue has 2 of them because although the main characters are 4, Harry and Taylor will be my focus. Next chapter I'll introduce the other two! I hope you'll like this as much as I do, please comment or vote so I know if anyone will want to read this story. Have a wonderful day (:

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2016 ⏰

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