New marrige

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Hey johanna ..... Hows emilly ?
Oh shes fine she just misses you alot .
Ok ill make sure i pick her up to stay with me for a while

This was emillys familly well not so much of a familly her mother and father are devorced but as a
12 year old she lived a nice life Well until her mother desided to get married. Again when she was 15 thomas had nothing against it well until her husband desided to talk to thomas ... He thouoght that this was a calm talk but then he found out that all he wanted to talk about is that he should stay away from his wife no matter what and that came as a huge shock to thomas because he is used to a norrmal friendship with his ex ....

I think you shouldnt talk to johana agaim no matter what and if i here of such act your gona have to deal with me got it ?

Thomas had no idea whst to say so he nodded and left quitly and before he left he was informed by jackson her husband that he will tell johana that they will not see each other just after these words were said thomas left and closed the doore quitely he walked on the street in the rainy weather thinking about what he had just heard he went home late and went to bed real quick

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