1. unum

10 2 4

I've always liked the sound of rain
Dropping on my windowsill
As I drifted off to sleep

The sound of leaves crunching
Under my feet
In autumn

The sound of waves crashing
Upon a beach
On a bright summers day

The sound of a crackling fire
Wrapping anyone who's near it
With a blanket of warmth

I've always liked all of these sounds
But the sound I used to love the most
Was the sound of your voice
Whenever you said


I can remember it in great detail
But even that doesn't feel like enough
My last memory of you saying it,
The last time you said my name,
Was when you had decided to leave
And that, my love,
It broke my heart
For days
And up until now
I have always thought that I wont
Get over it, over you.

I pray that I will one day
Like you might have done a long time
And maybe that day will soon come
But for now,
This'll just be my way of letting you go.
I love you, robin
I still do
So here's to you
And the story of us
- Vi

HELLO (to anybody who has read this chapter). It's me! The author of this chapter and the previous book that was posted on this account (and deleted-sorry) sometime last year. If any of you who read that are reading this then, thank you for coming back and reading another story of mine. This one will not be deleted (I promise) and it will follow in a short story format. I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it as much as I will writing it. This is a way for me to share my ideas and merge it into a story so it's sort of a creative outlet for me as well. Thank you to anyone who's willing to share their time to read this, hopefully it'll turn out well.
More to come- J

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