Grace honey! I have something to tell you my mom said,well I've been thinking and I think that right now is the right time to tell you and well it's upsetting but unfortunately it has to happen. What mom? Your dad and I are getting a divorce we already got the papers today and we have a court date on Tuesday but in the bright side I have put enough money together to buy a new big house and I was thinking I could take you over right now to see it.well do you just expect me to leave all of my friends? No honey I don't my mom saids but you will still be able to talk on the phone and visit eachother from time to time 💋!so are you saying this house is far away mom? Well it's in Florida and I hired people to move us in and they already set up the place so we better get on the road right? Absolutely not im not moving! Oh yes you are my mom saids as she pulled me in the car! I asked what about all my clothes and my stuff that's not packed up yet? Honey I bought you all new things and it's already I the house I figured it would be nice to have all new things you know? I guess
We're here!wake up said mom. Ok mom I'm up I said I have to Amit it was a pretty nice house
Do do you like it? Mom I love it and I'm truly impressed!well good and you start school tomorrow at your new school so I would get all of your stuff ready for tomorrow it's already10:46p.m. WAIT I START SCHOOL TOMORROW! Yes honey you do do go get your clothes picked out from your new wardrobe and go check out your room and the house I will be in in a second after I go and visit the neighbors and meet them! Ok mom I will go check out the house now
My room
Living room
Dining room
So agian I'm impressed that's what the house overall looks do you like it ask my mom? I love it were the neighbors nice? Yeah but it was odd because before I left they said and before you leave we are warning you about that house it's bad! And that's all they said? Yeah my mom saids I was going to ask how but they slammed the door when I turned back around but I'm sure there is nothing to worry about right? Yeah
Miss popularity
RomanceA girl named Grace moves to Florida after her parents got a divorce she got popular met all new friends She found a good boyfriend nothing can get better or can it