Hi my name is Amanda. I work at a café called Express Latte. I work from 8:00 to 2:00. We have a lot of customers in those hours. The is this on guy, Max he comes in everyday around 12:00 on his lunch break. Max works just down the road from the café. His lunch break is from 12:00-12:30. Which is ironic because my break is from 12:30-1:00. So we leave the café at about the same time. I guess you could say that I have a little crush on Max. I think he may have a little crush on me to. Yesterday, on Max's lunch break he came in at the exact same tame and ordered the exact same thing, a Chai Latte. And I said the same thing that I say everyday "Hi my name is Amanda, and you can have your coffee sweet like me or bitter like your step mother!" Well, Max doesn't have a step mother, nor do I. But Max, always get a bitter type. Yesterday he said "I think today I'll have a sweet one like you but don't use lots of sugar, your to sweet. I think I would go into some type of sugar related coma." Which I thought was so sweet and thoughtful for him to say. Right now its 11:59 so Max should be here any minute now ordering his favorite, a Chai Latte. Maybe today he might say something that is really sweet to. Some people may think that what he says is a little bit cheesy but think otherwise. When someone else thinks something is really cheesy, it probably is but every thing that is cheesy sounds so sweet to me. Some times I even tear up. I just cant wait to hear his cheesy pickup line today. maybe I'll change and actually think that it is cheesy. Probably not. For one reason I probably wont think its cheesy because of the "little" crush I have on him.