I paced back and forth in my room thinking heavily. The cold wooden floor nipping at my bare feet. The purple nail polish I had on my toes, chipping away. I pushed some of my blonde hair out of my face theta had been long annoying me. Was he coming back? Me and Harry had just gotten into an argument over how much he's been going out. I was getting suspicious that he was cheating, but he claimed he was recording with the boys. I guess I could have been a bit less in jumping to conclusions, but I guess that wasn't the case. He shouldn't be going out so much. Maybe he was at his seconds girlfriends house right now. Maybe that where he ran away to. I remember when he walked out the house, anger in his normally green eyes. But the color wasn't green. It was almost a black color. I've never seen him like that. He slammed the door harshly, leaving me there. I remember hearing the car engine starting and the sound of tires rolling over gravel. I despised of that sound.
So here I was, pacing in my room thinking things over. I'm not going to say I regretted saying it, because he never truly said he wasn't cheating. But maybe it wasn't the best idea to just confront him. I wasn't too sure if I wanted him to come back or not. If he did, he might apologize and be the bigger person. Or he might ignore me, and sleep on the couch. If he didn't come back, I wouldn't have him anymore and he wouldn't have me. But I wouldn't have to face him again.
"God, Harry. Why do you have to be such an idiot? Why did WE had to be idiots?" I said to myself. I wasn't too sure if I was mad or sad. But I also wasn't sure if I was at Myself of Harry. I just felt like throwing something. I took the book that had been on the nightstand, and threw it across the room. Then I took the pillows from the bed and threw them at the ground, stomping harshly on each one.
"Woah! Stop! You're making a mess!" I heard a raspy voice from behind me. I turned to lock eyes with familiar Green ones. Not dark black ones.
"Why did you come back?" I asked rather coldly. On the inside I was a bit in shock.
"I wasn't gonna go. Is that what you thought I would do? Leave? For good?" He asked, sounding a bit disappointed.
"Well, I umm... I don't know. You seemed pretty mad." I said, feeling a bit embarrassed. He seemed hurt by the thought of me thinking that, and I felt ashamed at myself too. Me and Harry were a team, and we wouldn't let go of each other over my thoughts. I mean, it's me for goodness sakes!
"You... Umm... You know. I'm kinda... I mean- I'm I'm sorry. I jumped to conclusions way too fast. I... I really shouldn't have.. I'm so sorry." I said, stuttering as If I was being interviewed for a murder I was guilty to.
"I would always come back. I promise. I'm sorry too. I didn't tell you, but we were recording a... A umm... I wrote a song for you. I wanted it to be a umm.. Surprise. But I guess it's not anymore, so suprrriiisseeee." He said, smirking a bit, his dimples teasing at the edges of his mouth. I was completely shocked, and very mad at myself now. He was doing something sweet and unimaginable for me, and I blamed him for cheating on me when he wasn't.
"I-i don't know what to say. That's incredible! I-I'm shocked! Thank you! When will I get to hear it?" I said, Excitement clear in my voice.
"You are so special and important to me, you know that? Nothing will replace you, Kitten." He cooed in my ear. I smiled as he pecked my cheek, making me feel truly special.
"I'm sorry, I won't jump conclusions anymore. Promise." I apologized for the twentieth time so far. He just smiled and kissed me again, knowing that was an agreement.