Green Light

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    One day, the GG's were just hanging out. One of the members named Yoyo was bored, so he went somewhere else to skate. "I'm  going to 99th street anyone want to join in? "I'll  join you Yoyo!" Said Rhyth."alright" Yoyo replied blushing. Yoyo had a crush on Rhyth ever since she join the Group. It was turning dark when they were skating . They stopped skating and toke a break. Yoyo noticed a green light glowing in the dragon's mouth. The statue had its mouth open like always, but some light was glowing in the dragon's mouth. Rhyth was in a near by store buying snacks. Yoyo got up  and went to check out that light. When he got near it, he touched the light orb and felt pain all over his body."Aahhhhh!" Yoyo screamed in pain. Rhyth heard his scream and skated quickly to where he was. "Yoyo you there! Can you hear me! Rhyth yelled. When she was about to reach him, he was gone.


   Yoyo! Where are you?! Rhyth yelled. She skated all around the street, but no where could she find him around. Rhyth thought of going back to the garage and tell the gang. Until she was stopped by the Rapid 99."Where do you think your going? Asked one of the three girls. "none,  your business." Rhyth replied. " Are you trying to find your boyfriend? " Another one of the girls asked. "He's not my boyfriend! Just a friend." Rhyth said blushing." Will then, we challenge you to capture the flag." "I have no time for that! I need to find Yoyo." Your going to accept it or your not leaving!" I have no choice. Rhyth said in her mind."Ok. Only if I get to leave." "Good.We will start on the top of Benten  Tower." They staked there."On your mark,get set, GO!" Professor K said

            Time Skip~(I'm lazy sometimes)

Rhyth won. "Yeah,I won! Said Rhyth with glee."I won,so I'll be leaving." Rhyth said. Rhyth skated where Yoyo disappeared and went back to the garage.When Rhyth arrived, she was about to tell her group,but all of them were Maybe I should tell them tomorrow she though.She went to her room and laid in bed.Rhyth put the covers around her.Where is Yoyo,where did he go?I miss him.And with that ,she went to sleep.


       What happen to Yoyo? Find out in the other chapter! Sorry if it's short.I'll try to write more in the other chapter.   Hope you enjoyed it.Please follow me.


Jet Set Radio Future!!! :)


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