Kim Namjoon - Surprise

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World tours are always great. They gave fans from everywhere the opportunity to see their favorite group live. The only downside to it was what it caused for you. It had been a few months since you last saw Namjoon. It wasn't like the two of you hadn't talked - you had endless Skype call logs and late night phone calls to prove that much - but not being able to see him in person was starting to take a toll on you. At this point of the tour, whenever you'd wake up, Namjoon would be ready to go to sleep after their show, but he always managed to stay up long enough for you to get in a few sentences before you forced him to go to sleep because he needed his rest.

That's why you came up with the idea to surprise him on tour. With the help of the members, you scheduled a flight to the next country they were headed to. You made sure nobody gave Namjoon so much as a hint that you were coming to visit, and did your best when texting him to sound like you were still miserable that he was gone even though you were actually excited to see him.

You'd planned out everything perfectly so that after their show, you'd be waiting backstage to surprise him. Just the pure thought of seeing him powered you to through the mundane days leading up to the days leading up to the date you were scheduled to leave for New York, the country you'd meet Namjoon in. When the day of your flight came, you couldn't even contain your excitement. Of course, when it was morning your time, Namjoon was asleep, meaning you didn't have to explain why didn't reply to his messages for nearly 12 hours. When you landed, it was 6pm in New York.

After rushing to the stadium, where doors opened at 7, you had to send a text to Jin to let you backstage because the security guards were skeptical of girl claiming she was the girlfriend of Rap Monster. You apologized for nearly causing him to be late to the stage to start the show, but he shrugged it off by saying that Namjoon will be finally out of the slump he'd been in now that you're here.

At the end of the show the boys said their goodnights and headed backstage. You were already there, as planned, with your back facing the end of the stage. Namjoon was having a conversation with J-Hope, but you heard their talking cease when you assumed he had spotted you.

"Y/N?" His voice was quite and held a disbelieving tone, and you were sure he wore a face filled with surprise. You turned around then, and watched his face turn from shocked to positively joyful. You mirrored that infectious smile of his and before you even got a word in, he rushed forward and wrapped his arms around you.

"I missed you so much," He murmured into your hair as you two embraced. Neither one of you actually wanted to let go, so when you two finally did release, you stayed in each other's arms. His scent was just as intoxicating as you remembered it being months ago, and his face was in a permanent smile that the screen of a computer didn't do justice to.

"I missed you, too," You managed to say, almost chocking on tears of happiness. His smile somehow got wider and leaned down to press a much needed kiss to your lips. That kiss felt like the embodiment of everything you'd been feeling for the past months had simply vanished and was instead replaced with the overwhelming fluttering pain that made it difficult to breathe around him.

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