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For it was night.
Clouds taking their flight.
Thunders bringing fright,
Lightenings giving light.

Stars were no longer there,
But who would've care?
Who at that hour would wonder where,
The moon hid - and that's not fair.

Drip, a raindrop falls down,
Upon the solid ground,
Giving our earth a crown,
By a man , never to be found.

Then the lightning strikes,
Wherever it likes.
Leaving the world in fear,
To go to it, never near.

The sky was turning red,
Where clouds met.
More raindrops were let,
By gravity were led.

And they fell,
Like no one did them tell,
That all was well
And they could dwell.

Then the morning came,
Bringing up a new frame.
What happened was gone forever,
to be remembered - never.

All the cuts the sky bade,
Started long ago to fade.
The new started without a memory of past
And it is proceeding fast.

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