Halloween the night of wolves

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Walking in through the back door I breath in the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. Grammy is a cooking fanatic, and it shows on the whole family. I'm the strange one.

No matter how much i eat I don't ever gain a pound. My relatives are always complaining how every ounce they ever eat goes straight to their waist. I think they're just being overdramatic. 

The rest of my family is on the pudgy side of average.

But all this doesn't really matter,

 and is entirely irrelevant to my story.

My story starts on a cool fall afternoon, during my seventeenth year on planet earth.

 Its Halloween and I can't wait till nightfall when the ghouls and goblins come out to steal unprecidented amounts of candy. 

The nightime is alive with motion and irregular greetings. At any given time a pedestrian can pass by a child and receive a menacing growl, sneer or glare for no known reason besides existing. No one would know if someone like me were amongst them. Thats the appeal of halloween no one is as they seem.

 Plastic fangs, blood, grotesque masks, blue hair...A list that can go on and on forever.The whole point is to dress up as someone your not. For me that is definately not as hard as it may seem.

 As soon as the moon is up I change into something that is definately not human.

Some call us werewolves but I would prefer to be called something without such a gruesome history............... But we never get what we want so...I guess I'll have to live with it.

Crossing into the kitchen I see a delightful amount of food, and can barely restrain myself from walking over and taking a big drawing breath of the tantalizing smells.

You see,  ... my family doesn't know I'm a werewolf and I'd really like to keep it that way.

My sense of smell is keener than most

making it a terrible chore not to shove myself facefirst into the steaming pumkin pie displayed so invitingly near me on the table. At least five pies are present along with an arangment of tasty treats such as haystacks( a dreamy blend of butterscotch chips, tiny crunch bread like sticks, and peanuts) chocolate chip cookies, rice krispies, and a heaping bowl of candy.

So, you can see why the rest of the family is in their unfortunate state of physique.

Drifting over to the haystacks I snatch a couple and run, hearing my grandmothers cries of irritation in the background. With a chuckle I swing myself up the hanging latter into my homey tree house.

I've had this building since I was a young pup and my father had helped me to build it.

( My father was a werewolf as well. Though my mother had never known it then.  He had seen the warning signs when I was six. My mother had been trying to wrestle me into the bathtub insisting... no demanding that I get myself clean.   I had been playing outside in the rain, splashing in puddles and having a good ol time.

But to her, my disheveled appearance was not welcome, especially when I had arrived in the kitchen dripping wet, asking for food.

The struggle ensuing hensforth to get me clean resulted in me growling at her as she tried helplessly in vain to heave me into the water. At that time I had an aversion to the soapy mass of liquid. I mean seriously... To a child of six I knew that the water I drank was clear and unobsructed by bubbles. If I couldn't see the bottom of the tub then it's not safe.

Although not loud my growl had attracted my fathers attention, and from then on he was my provider. He told me to keep it from my mom and to always be in control of myself.

I mean the problem with all the werewolves of the past is that they were a lot of selfish fools who put themselves in danger by letting their anger get the best of them. Ending up massacring thousands of villagers in one fell swoop. Then eventually the villiagers got smart and realized what was killing all their neighbors and started hunting us. Thus creating the hunter becomes the hunted syndrome.

We aren't really that bad.... we can be quite nice. Even in our wolf forms. I remember the first time dad morphed in front of me, the night he told me I couldn't say anything to mom.

I didnt quite believe him when he first said,"You will be a werewolf someday." Looking at him like he had a screw loose in his head I had started to walk back into the house. Then when the bushes behind me started rustling I had turned back to see a massive wolf staring at me with inteligent amber eyes. I hadn't been scared, more like frozen in fascination.

(I had always wanted a dog but dad had always vehemently opposed. Now I understand Y. Werewolves are like dogs in the territorial factor and dad would of gone ape-shit on the poor pup if it had so much as stolen his lounge chair, or peed on "his" bush.   Everything was 'his' in the mindset of his animalistic side.)

Dad had slowly walked up to me to keep from scaring me away. Then with a goofy expression he had lolled out his tongue and tilted his head sideways in a questioning manner.

That was all it took to break me from my stupor. Grinning I reached out to touch him,  my hands contacting a soft downy pelt.  We had sat outside most of the night just enjoying the quiet company of each other.

When I started getting cold I had burrowed into him enjoying the soft brush of fur across my skin. Falling asleep to his comforting wuffs in my ear and his fatherly affection as he curled around me; lying down with his head on his paws looking off towards the moon with a forlorn expression.

The next morning I could barely believe it was real or had happened at all.

Dad had explained that every full moon our bodies changed without our permission nor assent. But in times when the moon was in cycle we could change at will.

My father died last year and it still hurts to think of him....)

My family doesn't seem as affected as I am by dads passing.

I guess to them dad was an aloof character, always on the edge of any family function. Me and him had a close connection that none of them had.

Tonight I will change. But I don't have to hide my true character. Tonight is my night. Tonight is the night of Wolves.


Just thought I'd write a halloween story,   After all it is Halloween today....Yay!

Should I write anymore? What do you think?     Any favorite parts. Coments on what u think would be a cool thing to add to the plot?

Comment? Vote? lol. Thanks.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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