Anna's Letter

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Dear Jaelyn,

I am sorry I wasn't at school the next day I just couldn't take it anymore I could not fake it anymore I had to be me. I became me and that is why I will no longer be at school. I will tell you what was wrong even though its to late. I had a friend and it kept me from being happy. It was caused by people around me, everything around hurt me. I was not alone, I only had one friend that made me feel safe , happy, but there was a price. I had to draw, draw on myself. Not with peens or markers but with something special, it was silver and it drew red. It may be hard to understand how much i was hurting because i looked so happy. It was a mask that I wore so people would not notice my pain. You saw, you do not know but you knew something was not right. I wanted to say thank you for being there for me the last couple weeks even though I did not talk till the end. I am sorry I left you but you are a good person so please do me a favor and go help people that you feel need help because you will save them. Goodbye for now.



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