Chapter Thirty

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While at the store, Nathan noticed the soldiers were moving a lot of ammunition. There were rifles, grenades, bombs, and laser beam propellers. Nathan wondered if the colony was going to war. If so, with whom?

It wasn't the time to stay and ponder on things he couldn't explain. He knew he had to get out of there before someone noticed he was human.

"You had me worried." Borgina said as soon as he got back to his apartment.

"You had every reason to be." He replied. "The store was packed full with soldiers."

"Are you kidding? It was supposed to be empty."

"Well, it wasn't." He replied. "How much time do we have? We need to get this skin ready before my morning shot."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to put you in danger." Borgina stated.

In her usual manner, she focused on his immediate safety rather than his question about the time he had left.

"It's okay, Borgina. You didn't know. Let's get to work now. I can't stand another shot of that crap."

Nathan worked as fast as he could with Borgina supplying the instructions for even the smallest details. By the time he was done, it was the next 'manageable pocket'.

He took a shower and ate the dry fiber the colony served for breakfast. He put the synthetic skin on, and waited for Nurse Reese to come in.

He knew he would go through the next nineteen hours sleep deprived but that was the price he had to pay for his activities. If the plan worked, it would be a price worth paying.

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