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Busan, Spring 2016
4:00  PM

   Your best friend Lua invited you to have a sleepover at her house since her parents were going to be gone for 3 days on a business trip. With exams the previous week stressing you out, she decided it would be nice to hang out and talk about how the exams went. She told you that her brother, Jimin, came home from Japan a few days ago, but you didn't care much since you never payed much attention to him.

   You step outside, feeling the spring wind hitting you softly, and sigh in content. You pull your bag over your shoulder and begin to walk to Lua's house, which is only a few houses down.

   Once you make your way to her house, you go through the backyard knowing that the door is open, and decide to scare her. You sneak your way up the stairs, down the hall, and to her bedroom door which was cracked open. You see Lua sitting on her bed texting so you tip-toe quietly behind her and poke her sides. Forgetting that Lua is very much like her cousin Hoseok, she screams at the top of her lungs, and tackles you to the ground.

   "Holy fuck y/n! You scared...the shit...out of...me!" She says in between breaths.

You laugh knowing that she looks innocent but half  the things that come out of her mouth are no where near it. She gets off of you, extending her hand out so you can get up. You take it happily, and start to hear heavy feet running up the stairs, coming closer to Lua's room.

   Lua's brother Jimin, who you have not seen in four years, comes running into her room looking scared and confused.

   "LUA WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? ARE YOU OK?" Jimin asks quickly. Lua laughs, walking to her brother, and places her hand on his shoulder.

   "Yes Oppa, I'm ok. Y/n just scared me."

   Jimin turns to look at you and his eyes widen, not realizing that you were even there. You two stare at each other not knowing what to say, until Lua breaks the silence and goes to the bathroom.

  Jimin walks closer to you looking you up and down while biting his lip. You notice the way he looks at you but you shrug it off since he's your best friends brother. He finally smiles at you with his famous eye smile that you would never admit to missing so much. You walk closer to him wrapping your arms around his torso hugging him, and inhale his sweet scent. Lua comes back from the bathroom, and helps you get your things situated in her room.

6:00  PM

   As the sun starts to go down, Lua decides that you  all should have a movie night. After getting blankets, pillows, popcorn, and candy, you all get comfortable on the couch. You are sandwiched between Lua sitting on your left, and Jimin sitting on your right which was always the seating arrangement between you three.

9:45 PM

   Halfway through the second movie you realize Jimin put his arm around your shoulder, but you shrug off his actions again. You feel his hand being placed on your knee, luckily two blankets were covering you. With the lights off, the only light source coming from the TV, Lua is oblivious to Jimin's actions.

   He starts to move his hand up your thigh slowly, which causes your stomach to stir. You turn your head and give him a confused look, in which he returns with a wink. Before his hand could reach your womanhood, Lua gets up saying that the movie is boring, and that she wants to go to her room. Jimin lets go of your thigh, and you sigh in relief. After you and Jimin depart, you go to Lua's room to get clothes to wear after your shower.

   You walk to the bathroom down the hall and begin to open the door when Jimin comes out of the bathroom with wet hair, and only a towel around his waist. You blush feeling embarrassed that he noticed your unintentional stare towards his abs.

   "Take a picture, it'll last longer." He says smiling innocently.

   You scoff, and make your way around him to get inside. He turns around and you feel him staring at you, but you ignore it as you were busy putting your hair in a bun.

   "My my, have you grown to be so...sexy." He says looking you up and down, licking his lips.

   "Umm, thanks...?" You say trying to avoid his gaze while blushing.

   He walks closer to you leaning into your ear.

   "Anytime beautiful." He whispers into your ear, his hot breath tickling you.

   He walks out of the bathroom and you let out the breath you didn't know you were holding, cursing that he could make you blush so easily now. Getting a grip of yourself, you proceed to get ready for your shower.

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