The love of my life

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The Story :)

Hi my name is Samantha.You can call me Sam so something you wont believe happened to me!!Here is how it all started...."SAM WERE GONNA BE LATEEEEE!!!!"yelled my two best friends,"HURRY UPPP I WANNA SEE ZAYN!!!"screamed AnnaMarie."AND I WANNA SEE HIM TOOO!!!"agreed Shelby.I rolled my eyes at my two anxious friends.They were such weirdos..but thats how we make such a perfect bunch of freinds..I was the weird one.AnnaMarie was the akward one.And Shelby was the joke craker.I gigled as Shelby looked at me angrily,"OH MY GOD HOW LONG DOSE IT TAKE YOU TO COMB YOUR HAIR?!"she screamed.I just ignored her and got in the car.How we look you may ask?Well i had dirty blonde wavy hair,with hazle eyes and very tall.Shelby had brown eyes and brownish blackish hair (no im not trying to be rasist) and was short.And AnnaMarie had brown eyes and brown hairand was also tall.So after like 30 minutes of us non-stop gwaking we finally arrived...OUR DREAMS FINALLY CAME TRUE!!!!There it was the place where 1D was gonna preform.All three of us had like the VERY first row so that means we can touch them!!!My dream of touching Harry Styles hand!!!AHHH!!!So the stadium got all dark and all of a sudden BOOM they appear!!!I was there in the front row screaming and gwaking away until Harry kept on staring at me so I sorta stoped and there he was still staring at me.I blushed and looked away and wispered to Anna and Shelby,"Uhh guys Harry us staring at me."I said and started blushing even more!"Ohhh HE LOVEESSSS YOUUUU!!!"They screamed at the same time and I said,"SHUT UP YOU GUYS!!!!"I screamed and hit both there arms playfully."That wasn't very nice,love."A familiar voice said.My eyes widened as there he was the guy of my dreams Harry Styles."Oh my god..."Was all that escaped my mouth.He looked at me for about 5 minutes until the concert started.Not the 'I hate you look' but his hungry eyes told me he had a crush on me.I could tell.God he was so cute.He cupped my face and said,"You have very beautiful eyes.Just like you."He said.I almost died.DID HE JUST REALLY SAY THAT?!?!?!Or was my mind playing tricks on me.I don't really know but as I was thinking the show started and Harry was gone.I pouted like a little girl. Anna and Shelby started singing,"SAM AND HARRY SITTING IN A TREE K.I.S.S.I.N.G...."They both laughed.I said,"Yea but HAM is a really weird couple name for us..."I said laughing.And with that the concert started.Every time Harry would wink at me and I would blush.And with that i knew that this wad a dream come true.Not only cause of the fact I got to see 1D in concert but the fact Harry liked me.I mean this is like a once in a lifetime oppertunitty.I had to take it but the fact of leaving my friends and family.I would never do that to them.Im not saying he will ask me to come with him i mean nooo Im not good enough for him.And I know that.I mean im just another fan girl living in a fantasy I wish would happen.After the concert was done I had forgotten that we had backstage passes.Oh poop."Cmon Mrs.Styles lets go see you BOYFRIENDDD!!!"AnnaMarie teased.I blushed and went backstage.And guess what...I bumbed into Harry."So you got backstage passes..."He said his eyes dancing happily."Uh yeah..."I said nervously.I looked over at Anna and Shelby to help but note to self...NEVER ASK THEM TO HELP IN SITUATIONS LIKE THIS!!!Anna and Shelby were sitting there looking and gigling at everything Zayn said!!I gigled for some unknown reson and Harry inturupted my thoughts."So how old are you love?"He asked hoping to get a awnser."19."I said and looked down."You look so cute when you blush."Harry whispered into my ear.I had gigled but put myself together to real life....until he reached down and looked like he was gonna..."WHAT THE HECK??!!"I screamed.Harry looked at me suprised.And so did Anna and Shelby."Harry we just met and your already trying to KISS ME?!?!"I had rsaised my voice.I sighed and said,"Sorry its just im not that kind of can try asking Anna and Shelby..."I said.Anna and Shelby nodded.Harry just ignored them and looked down and said,"Sorry love I just.."He

trailed off cause stupid me felt sorry and kissed him.He looked at me with his 'You didnt have to do that face'I just nodded sending him a 'I know look'.I must of looked stupid kissing him.Agian who wants a star couple named HAM?!I laughed out loud I guess cause everyone gave me a crazy look.I blushed.The guys chuckled and me,I stupidly joined them."You laugh adorable."Harry came behind me and whispered.I was like ON A STINKING BLUSHING RAMPAGE!!!How?Well HARRY WAS MAKING ME!!!He must of known what I was thinking cause he came to me and said,"Im glad."And with that went to the restroom.Ok so he was into me...No biggie right?!WRONG!!!Apparently celebrity's "Relation Ships" with us "Normals" dont last very long.And you now what I had noticed when Harry left THE BOYS WERE GWAKING AT ME!!!I gave them a evil stare and they just chuckled."Sooo you and Harry huh???"Shelby asked,"SPILL DA STUPID BEANS!!!!"She screamed happily."Look theres nothing between us ok.I just felt bad for him."I said as I blushed."Yea right you guys loovvveee each other!!"Anna screamed.Harry walked into the room and wraped his arms around me.I blushed and everyone except me and Harry.They all said,"Nothing is between you guys hmmm.."They said mischeviously.I sighed and decided why not?So i wraped my arms around Harry and gave him a deep kiss."Ohhhhhhh!!!"They all said."Oh SHUT UPPP!"I sceamed.They all shut up.Except for Niall who was rumaging through the fridge."Food food food food."Niall kept saying.I chuckled and so did the others."Erm so Samantha...Can..You...Posibly."

The love of my lifeWhere stories live. Discover now