Trackers Den

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The winter air whispering my name, the night sky twinkling with stars. I lay my hand down on the wet grass. Keeping low to the ground. I scanned the houses number 5 i kept repeating in my mind. 5...5...5... A huge scream came behind me my black hair swaying with the wind "I'm too late" he whispers

CHAPTER ONE The Mile Stone

I stared at the chalkboard, tapping my biten down pencil on my blank sheets of paper. Everyone scribbling down there endless possiblites of bordness. To them this is there type of uh......... 'fun'. I some how couldn't concerntrate today something made my mind go off," I need a way out" I thought. I stood up pushing my chair back making a irrtitating sound on the lino. The teacher raised an eyebrow,and got to his feet "Ms Silver?" he paused. "Have you finished your work?" He looked at my hands expecting the work he gave us. I put my hands on my hips.

"Oh yeah right" I spat. "Like I would do some freaking work a teacher gave me, as if" To be honest, i didn't know what I was doing my mouth kept babbling on. I couldnt help it! He stood there in shock his mouth wide open. "Why, Ms Silver........." He got cut off by the bell "sweet,sweet bell" I thought. I pushed past my classmates getting to my bag. The teacher said my name but i didnt wait for him.

I stormed off into the hallway where all kids where chitchatting and gossiping about the latest teen mag. Ugh, those people are disgusting.I got to my locker,my hands flopped to my side when i realized the principle was standing right behind me.

"Hello Mr. Fatbottom, I see youve put on more weight?" I smirked, nothing is more funnier than making fun of your fat principle.

"Excuse me?" He raised a eyebrow and looked down at his stoumch, his cheeks burned red. "To my office, NOW!" He scuffled to his office, I quickly followed behind keeping my head down. People murmering as I went past. I slipped into his office plonking myself down on his leather chair, I started swinging myself around. But the principle stopped me "Off now!". I jumped off standing... well more like leaning on the wall with my arms crossed

After a couple of minutes with him fiddling with papers on his desk, he set his gaze on me

"Ms Silver, your behaviour if getting out of hand lately, ive been contacting other schools but...... they've declined all offers I propose to them......" He stopped and looked in a mirror he keeps in his office. "Thats why i've come to a decicion with you and this school" He went back to his desk chair. "Were having you expelled" He said simply

My mouth hang open, anger and fustration was building up inside me

"So your saying that i'm expelled from this darn school?" i didnt want to complain but I would miss this school. He rolled his eyes as if I was an idiot.

"Yes, thats what expelled means" He shook his head. "No wonder your failing your classes your not even.up to highschool standerds!"

"Yes, I AM its just that the teachers dont teach me......" i trailed off. But i stood up and left. I cursed myself. I went to my locker the hall was empty paperd flying through the air. I opened up my locker.Some of my books fell out i bent down and started to get them.

I stood up and banged my head on, seeing someone beside me startled the damn out of me!

"You could've said something you know!" I placed my books in my bag rubbing my head.

"I know" He paused his eyes darkned "I didnt want to scare you or get involed with your auora" he explained

I cracked up laughing and put my bag on my shoulder and walked off. "thats ridiculous!" The boy had appeared infront off me. I fell, but he stood still.

"Y-Ho-what?!?" he got up and backed away slowly. He just followed me.

"dont worry, im not going to hurt you know just sleep tight okay?" He smiled evily.

"but im n-" he punched me in the face before i could reply, but lucky he caught me.before i fell on the ground. He slung me over his shoulder and dissappeared.

"Your majesy" He bowed "I have brought her"

The king smiled "Good job colin now go take her to the chambers until i make my call" he said coldly with a hint with evil.

Colin moved quickly and threw me down in the chambers, blood ran down my.face. I squinted into the last light "wha-" but the door slammed right before me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2013 ⏰

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