The Grand Meeting

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"H-he... WHAAAATTTTT!!!!" I cried. Are you serious!? How could he!? "Yes mama. We are sorry for your fathers actions but you still must leave the house. Oh, he told us to give you this. You are yumi Komore, correct?" They said. I nodded my head and took the written litter from there hands. As I read , my face looked dumbfounded. "What!!??" I cried. He's running away!? And he's leaving me to deal with this crap!? So much for being a good parent!? "So you'll have to leave now." The man said, holding a sign that said 'please move out'. I grinded my teeth in anger as I matched upstairs and packed my stuff to move out. This was stupid. Stupid dad. I walked out the front door and onto the street , finding a near by bench to sit and relax on. As I sat down , I feed on the anger that grew more and more inside me. I'm only a 17 year old kid and he leaves me to live all on my own! Is that even legal!

I scoffed at myself silently until I felt a tiny wet drop of water slide its way down my cheek. "Mm? Oh no! Its raining!" I cried.
I grabbed my now wet luggage and hurried to the bus stop. I was kinda hoping that the waiting area had a roof or something, but it didn't. So I stood there in the rain , just hopping the bus would ever come a bit early. Wait , do I even have money for a bus? Awww man. Oh! Mabye if I told the bus driver what happened to me, he will let me on for free! As I stood there applauding myself in my mind, I didn't notice someone walk up to the side of me. Once I finally stopped my cheering in my head , I turned to my right to see a man with an umbrella. He had black messy hair, red eyes, and he was wearing a black and white hoodie and blue jeans. He was actually really handsome. I bet he has a thousand fan girls even if he's not popular. Wait , what am I saying!? Flustered, I instantly turn my head the opposite way , avoiding the handsome man. The thing was he noticed me right after I turned away.

I waited for about 2 minutes but no bus. I was already soaking wet and only had my luggage to use as an umbrella, which were also wet. Man this sucks. Today has just completly cursed me and the rest of my life.
As I sat there and sulked , I heard an unfamiliar voice appear from the side of me. "Hey" he said. His voice sounded so low and sexy. Wait what!? "Um , y-yes?" I responded. He looked over to me and handed me his opened umbrella. I was a bit surprised by his sudden gesture and kinda just stood there. I head him click his tounge in annoyance. "Oi! You either take it or not. " he demanded. I jumped a bit by his crule and valger voice of words and hesatintly took the umbrella from his cold hand. "Um , t-thank you" I studderd . He just nodded and looked straight ahead , back to the position he was in before.

Now I feel bad cause he's all wet. I watched as little rain drops drizzled down the strains of his black messy hair and roll down onto his pale cheek. I snapped out of my constantly staring and turned away, waiting for the bus to come. It was about 3pm and no bus. Stupid city. Stupid bus. Stupid dad. And Stupid Rain! Suddenly , I heard someone call out from the distance. Even thou it wasn't really any of my business, I looked anyways to see who it was. Even though the rain blocked a vision a bit, I was sure I saw a blonde haired boy running towards my direction. "KADASHI!!!!!" The boy yelled. Kadashi? Is that this guys name, I thought, looking up at the boy next to me. As I looked up , I could see he was very annoyed by the other young boy. Finally , the blonde boy made it to the black haired boy , panting while holding his knees with his palms, catching his breathe.

"K...adash..I...I finally found your ass!" He said. Kadashi looked at the boy with an annoyed look. "You found me , now what?" He said. The boy stood there in complete shook trying to find a clever response. "Ummmm...I...uhhhh" the boy studderd. Kadashi simply chuckled at the boys stupidity and rolled his eyes. I kinda just sat there and watched the two of them. Yes I was basically ease dropping but I was so curious. I just watched them until the blonde boy moved his head to the right to reveal my face in shook. I literally just say there I'm complete fear. "Hey you! You got an eye problem or some'in?"he said. I jumped a bit as he looked at me. "I-i ugh" I cried. As he walked his way closer, I stood there with my arms around myself, dropping the umbrella , bracing myself for impact. Now I've done it. Good job me!

As I braced myself for harm, I felt a cold swif of air fly past my face. Huh? I slowly opened my eyes to see Kadashi standing next to me , his arm bracing the front of me as if a sheild. "She was just looking at the bus schedule behind you so chill out Takasumi" he said. "What?" Takasumi said, swiftly swirling around to see a bus schedule. Kadashi looked at me with a calm expression. I smiled giving him a small thank you as he lowers his arm. I picked up the umbrella and flew the tiny raindrops of of it'd clear plastic. Takasumi looked at me with a painded expression. "I'm so sorry miss!" He apologized. Suddenly, a man with dirty blonde hair and glasses came up behind Takasumi and popped him in the back of the head. "You know better than to go yelling like that dumbass." He said strictly. The the boy looked over to me with an apologetic look on his face , as if apologizing for Takasumi. I gave him a worried smile and nodded as a thank you.

"Anyways , Kadashi , we have to go home." The man said. "Awwwww but Shiki" Takasumi said, begging to stay. "Do you not see the poring down rain!" Shiki cried. As the two of them bickers and fought , Kadashi sighed and started to walk off. They both stood dumbfounded as they watched Kadashi get farther and farther away. "Hey Kadashi! Wait up for me!!" Takasumi cried, running after him. Shiki just sighed deeply and casually caught up with the two. I watched as they all walked away from my distance. I was about to leave as well until I noticed what I was gripping in my hand. Crap! I still had his umbrella! What do I do with it now?! They weren't really that far away. Mabye I could chase them down and give him his umbrella back!
Okay so I've noticed that I've been kind of abanding my other stories so I've decided to write a chapter for each one every day. K!


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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2016 ⏰

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