A Trip Through Time

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We looked at our time machine, built in the image of the Tardis, it took years to build it with just the four of us. I looked at my companions. Hales, my cousin, looked tired, yet excited for the adventure at head. Lev, the oldest, stood back, staring in awe. Kadan, eager to go, glances over and asks, "Does it work? Shouldn't we test it?". I laughed. "Patience Kadan. Everyone is tired, let's rest, we'll test it in the morning." As we headed upstairs I look back at our work and pray it shall work. I couldn't wait another day, let alone a year to go. To see what before I could never have even hoped to see. As we get ready for bed, Lev asks, "Shouldn't we decide when we're going? and where?". I climb into bed and think for a moment. Before long my thoughts are interrupted by Hales screaming from the other room “NO LEV, WE SHALL JUMP INTO IT AND PRESS RANDOM NUMBERS AND A RANDOM CITY, IN A RANDOM COUNTRY”. Everyone laughs. “Well Hales, it's a good thing you are not in charge.” I tell her.

In the morning, After breakfast we head back downstairs. “Now to test it. Come on guys, Get in.” I say stepping into the tardis. Where should we go? I think for a moment, and a memory of Austin appears in my mind. Killed in a skateboarding accident, because of a stupid rock. If that rock hadn't been there..... I turn toward the control panel, Made from an I pad. I type in the date Wednesday, April 3rd 2013. Now for the city. I put in Noord, Aruba and hit go. The door slams shut and the air is filled with beeping. The clock on the wall starts spinning backwards. Everything stops after 2 minutes. I glance back at the clock. The hands say midnight. I glance around. “Alright everyone. We're here for a reason. Grab a broom and sweep up all the rocks you can. Remember, this could save a life.” We all rush out of the Tardis. It takes all day to sweep all the rocks into the Tardis. After we finish we take the rocks further back in time to 1650 and sweep them all out. Then we go back to our time to sleep. When we wake up we pack some bags full of clothes and things we may need. We put them into the Tardis and we set the time and place for Sunday, September 19th, 2117, Melbourne, Australia. Exactly 100 years in the future from today. Not the same place though. This place is much better. The beeping is back and the clock spins forward this time. We grab our bags as the clock comes to a halt. The doors slide open, wow, this place is gorgeous.

We land on 13 Gisborne street, East Melbourne. Right outside the prettiest church. A sigh says it's st.peter's eastern hill church. I've ever seen. I look at my friends. “Wanna go inside? I bet it's even lovelier in there.” I say. The out side of the church looks like a fairytale castle. We stepped inside and it was way different. Everything appeared to be mechanized. They were just about to start the morning service. We sat at one of the back pews. A man walked toward the front of the church, I assume he is the priest as he is wearing robes, though they are different from the robes worn back in 2017. These robes are bright red, with small gold crosses embroidered into the hemming. The collar it black with Red stitching along the edges. The man looks toward the crowd. “Please, Neighbours, Join us in prayer” he says. Everyone surrounding us leaned forward and grabbed something out of the pockets sewn on the back of the Pews, where they used to hold Bibles. I grab one. These Definitely aren't Bibles. They were these little metal squares, With black dots on them. I look around at the other people and try to copy their movements. A woman leaned over, “Excuse me, are you new to this church? Here, let me show you how it's done. My name is Ahmirah by the way, Mira for short.” she said, then continued to press on one of the dots. A hologram appeared of the priest telling a story about how the lord accepts every one no matter who they are. After the service we go outside with Mira and we talk about what it's like in the city. Lev asks her about the things we used in church. “Well, they call them Hand links, each dot represents a gospel, in the 3rd amendment. They're hard to use at first but once you get the hang of it, you'll find it's better than watching the priest actually get up and talk.” She explains, “Hey, since you're new here, would you like to come to dinner with me and a few friends?”. I accept her offer and we make our way over to the Tardis. I press a button on the side and it folds into a silver Cadillac. We drive behind Mira, following her to a local diner. We meet her friends, Chrissy, Tae, and Mycala. We sit down at a table and look at the menus. Everything seems to be vegetarian, there's no meat in any of it. I smile slightly and order a Vegeburger. After everyone finishes ordering the waitress presses a button on her note pad and our food rises out of the table. After we're done eating, I look towards our new friends and thank them, I tell them we were only here to visit, But surely we will come back.

We walk out of the restaurant, and I press the button again, and the Cadillac turns back into the tardis. We pile in and I set the dial for home. When we step out of the tardis, back into our time everything seems so different. Almost like we didn't belong here. We belonged there. We climb the stairs to go to sleep. In the morning, I look around at my friends. “Well, When do you want to go today?”.          

~~ Ok People, I need you guys to comment on it, I want to know if I'm a good science fiction writer.  Even just a short  Yes, or, No answer, Is it good or bad? This was and English assignment I turned in, What grade Would  You give it? ~~

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