Sweet Dreams.

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@-Masked_ Bride-

It had been another casual day at the Cafe, customers coming and going, ordering beverages and sweets. You were taking a usual customers order, Goat-Senpai, when Ren-Senpai came in, immediately collapsing on your couch.

You envied the boy, able to sleep whenever he wanted. You hadn't gotten a wink of sleep lastnight, as you had multiple overdue assignments you had the complete. The cafe really was taking its toll on you, staying open until 7pm.

You finished Goat-Senpai's order and walked over to Ren-Senpai.

"Ren-Senpai, can I get you anything today?" You asked politely. He cracked an eye open to look at you before commenting.

"You look tired." He stated, pointing out the slight bags beneath your eyes.

"Ah, yes. I was up all night finishing homework." You smiled. He 'hm'd in response, before ordering a crossaint.

You gave him his crossaint and went off to tend to the other customers, while Ren just slept.


Closing time, Tokiya-Senpai just left, claiming he had to go 'Find a king-sized bed worthy of his weary body.' Oh Tokiya-Senpai, you're so strange but you'll always be my friend.

You turned around only to find that Ren-Senpai was still there, your eye twitched. You were tired an you wanted to go home and sleep. You wanted to close the cafe, and just rest your eyes.

Nonetheless, you put up your happy facade, with only a little bit of eye twitch.

"Ren-Senpai, it's time to close." You spoke to him.

He opened his eyes a little, before grabbing your wrist and pulling you down with him.

"UWAGH?!" You exclaimed, a little panicked.

His arms were securely around your waist, his head nested in the crook of your neck.

"Sleep." He said, closing his eyes. You blushed 50 shades of red, before starting to protest. However, before you could speak any complaints, he silenced you with a simple peck on the cheek. You blushed 1000 shades more, before complying to his wishes.

Your eyes closed, a thought crossed your mind before you drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Goddammit. This doesn't help my crush on you, you adorable bastard.


You were awoken by the sound of an angels voice, luring you out of the peaceful slumber you had blissfully been entrapped in. Your eyes fluttered open to see Ren's face in front of yours, way to close for comfort. You decided not to pull away, this was the man you were crushing on all year, for christs sake!

"What.. What are you laughing at?" You questioned the boy, whom you dechipered was the one behind the 'Angelic voice.'

"You look adorable when you sleep." He answered. You blushed immediately, muttering out a sleepy 'whhhaaaa?'

"You know," He started, his green eyes staring right into yours. "I couldn't stop wondering why I kept coming here. I walk from my dorm everyday to get coffee,

"I usually find routines like that quite troublesome. I can just save myself the trouble and make insant coffee in my room. Then, I slowly figured it out. I came here to see you. I would do anything to see you everday. As long as it's for you, any amount of work feels effortless."

You could feel your face heating up from the confession, you pinched yourself to see if this was all a dream, but that thought was quickly discarded once you felt the small amount of pain.

You couldn't believe it. Your crush actually liked you back? Or wait... He didn't say that he liked you. He just said he came here for you, not the coffee. Ah well, right nows a good as time as any for you to confess. YOLO.

"Ren-Senpai.... I really like you. In a more than a friend way." You put all your confidence into those two sentences, your face a lovely shade of red. He smiled lovingly, and tilted your face up with his fingers.

"I know." He stated.

"Wait what?" Your bewildered expression made Ren chuckle.

"You talk in your sleep." He said, before firmly planting his lips on yours, capturing you in a sweet kiss.

When you pulled away, your face was as red as a firetruck.

"By the way, who's Mr. Chocolate?" He asks.


(a/c:) WELL my sister requested this an I wasn't sure what she wanted?? and this monstrosity happened... Good thing I'm full of (bad) Ideas! Hope you like it Abby, if you don't I'm not rewriting it lol.

xoxo- forgetfulFollower.

Sweet Dreams. (Ren-Senpai X Reader) «ONE-SHOT»Where stories live. Discover now