My Perfect Life.....Hopefully

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Chapter 1: The Day of the Mission

August 6th, 2021               

I was lying in my bed…awake. It was 6 in the morning. I didn't sleep at all last night.I was looking at Luke's angelic face when he was asleep. I wasn’t sure if this was the last time I was going to see him again after this mission I have to accomplish. So I look at his perfect face and all of a sudden I heard his voice saying “Babe? You do know I’m awake right?” and I laughed so hard I was crying and I laid my head on his shirtless chest and he stroked my hair with his fingers. We talked for  two hours about high school. And then he whispered “Jillian, are you okay? You have this frightened look in your eyes.” And I said “Luke, honey, I’m fine…I hope” and he had the blankest look on his face and said “What do you mean HOPE?” and I said “Lucas…I have to go on the Mission tonight.  And I don’t want to get hurt, babe. I want to see the triplets’ little faces when I get back from Italy.”

When I was 20 I got pregnant and I had identical triplets. They are all boys. Their names are Jack, Jacob, and Jared. They turn four on the fourteenth of this month. And that is Lucas’s birthday also. But he turns twenty-five, not four. So that means that I am twenty-four years old and my birthday is on the 27th of March.. haha :)

 Luke is a professional soccer player. He was on the same team as David Beckham. And they played for four years together and then David retired, but we are close friends with the Beckhams. And I worked for the SWAT team. I went to law school for a long time and then after I graduated from Harvard, I tried for this big law firm and they accepted me and they told me to go for the SWAT team section because I was buff… Not really but they considered girls with 6-packs buff.  I need to get back to the subject of this mission thing.

  I was going on a mission in Italy to train some Italians for their country’s SWAT team. And I was leaving in the morning…Well in like three hours. So I said to Luke, “Hey, I’ll make us some breakfast, alright? You get dressed.” I kissed him lightly on his lips and left the bedroom. After I left I heard Luke mumble, “God, I love her. Thank you for giving me her.” And my grin was a mile wide and I felt so special. I went down the staircase and made bacon, pancakes, eggs, sausage, French toast, and I made fresh orange juice. When I saw the triplets, I almost cried. Luke knew this since we have been together since freshman year of high school. And he came over to me and I buried my head in his chest and bawled. Jake came over to me and said “Mama! Why are you crying” and I said “Baby, I’m gonna miss you three when I am in Italy. And I’ll miss Daddy, too.” And Luke smiled and said “We are going to miss you too, baby girl. I’m gonna miss you being by my side.” And I was like “Ohmygosh! That was really sweet!” And Luke kissed my forehead and said “Let’s eat!”

So after they ate I was staring off into space, staring at the fireplace since I made a fire, and the triplets were like “Mommy!” and they were laughing because they were shaking me and I almost fell onto the floor. But Luke came over and he wrapped his arms around my waistline so my head was on his shoulder and took me outside. There were leaves all over our yard. It was beautiful seeing all of the colors. And Luke jokingly threw me into a big pile of red leaves and I snapped out of it and was like “Baby, you’ll pay!” and I started laughing and tackled him into a pile of yellowish-orange leaves and he started laughing and turned over so our faces met. He said to me “Jill, why did you tackle me? Haha it was funny and I think you owe me.”

And with that I knew exactly what he meant and I kissed him on the lips. And we were lying in the leaves making out and the tripod came out and said “Daddy has cooties Mama! Don’t touch him” and they were giggling a lot. And in between kisses I said “Well it doesn’t matter to me, you guys. I married him.” And they were laughing and they started to play in the leaves. I told Luke “Since when did you have cooties?” and I smirked. He mocked my tone of voice as a joke and said “Ever since I stared into your eyes on the first day of high school I got cooties” and he smirked. He looked so hot when he smirked. I love him so much! :) He was my everything in high school and he still is to this day.

So I looked at my watch and it said 9:48am. I had a lot of time before I had to leave. So I went to the leaves that my kids were in and I pull them into my arms and Luke came over and whispered “Let’s take a family photo so you and I have a picture while you are gone.” And I was delighted by that idea and I said “Hey kids, settle down. Daddy is gonna get the camera so we can take a picture of the family.” And they came over and they surrounded me and Luke came out. He had a mile wide grin on his face. I loved it. And he said “Gather around. We have 10 seconds….9….8” and the kids were scrambling. But in the end the pictures were beautiful. We took a lot. In the family pictures, they were me and Luke in the back and the triplets in front of us. They were so cute! And the pictures of just Jake, Jack and Jared were adorable!!!  And when we got inside from all the happiness and laughter outside the phone rang...

Authors Note: Okay.. this is my first thing I have written in a while and the first thing i have written on WattPad and I have no idea how I did on this. So comment and tell me what you think. If i have to change things please tell me so chapter two is better. :) Thanks!!

                                                           ~ Jill

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