The Fight Within
I sit and wait
The moments trickle by suffocating me
Making me ache
I can hear my shallow breaths going faster ,then slow
Maybe I can’t do this
“No” stop thinking this way I am not a failure
Yet “can you really do this”
“Yes...Wait...No...I'm so confused”
“Well can you handle this? What are you afraid of?”
“ I don't know!” I scream to myself
Then I think to the questions i asked myself
Can I handle this? What am i truly afraid of?
And it hits me
To fail. And yet I know that I can handle it
But I refuse to take that chance of failure
Why do stop myself from taking chances
If this continues what will my life be
“The main question should be will you forever be afraid”
Then I knew my answer it was always there
I will not always be afraid
I will take chances
This was my fight within