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Valerie POV
" No no no this can't be happening, Kevin you can't leave me now" I say shouting.

       I then hear the door bell ring , I quickly open it ."you called for emergency ?" The ambulance guy asked.

   "Yeah yes I did , my boyfriend isn't breathing well" I say crying.

He calls in more people to come help Kevin to the van.

"I'll meet you guys in the hospital" I tell the man.

Suddenly the van drives off. I decided to call my mom. She picks immediately.
"Mom?"  "Yes darling whats wrong?".
"I went to get some groceries from the store and when I came back I saw Kevin on the floor he couldn't breathe well."

"Were is he now?" "He is at the hospital ,can you drive me there?"
      " I'll be there in 10 minutes, OK darling" she says and hung up.

  I drop my phone on the couch and go outside to take a sit.

   I sit for a while and I suddenly start crying thinking about all the memories Kevin and I both had ,good or bad ,sad or happy.
Then I remember what he once told me  I will always love you ,I will always be by your side .remember always.
I start crying even more.

" Kevin why ,why you promised to never leave me " I say pulling my hair hard.

"You promise to always be by my side,now what". I start pulling my hair again hard this time.

  Someone holds me I turn around and see its my mom.
" mum, I don't want him to leave me, I'm not complete without him".
" I can't promise he will be alright,Valerie you and I know his condition with lung cancer"mum says sincerely.

   "I know bu- never mind" I say sounding hopeless.
  We both got into my moms car and she drove off.
  Mom kept on glancing at me knowing something was wrong.
     When we finally got there  mum and I both walk into the doctors office I feel nervous to hear what he has to say.

   "Mrs Jordan, well there's bad news"he says quietly."we've lost Kevin".
   "What do you mean by that you can't be serious" my mom shouts.
        She stands to hug me as I just stare blankly.
   " I'm l-ost of-f wo-rds"I tell her.
       "I think we better go so we can prepare for his burial".mom whispers.
           Now I feel like I am going to be depressed, no one to love and care for.
           Kevin might be gone but our love are still input.I hope.

     it's been weeks now since all that trouble. I hardly eat anything,I just lay on my bed and think all day.
    I haven't even been going to school , I'm thinking about schooling somewhere else.
          I want to leave a new life I'm tired of all this ,I need to move on with life, I just hope its possible.  

     I got off my comsy bed and went to take a shower.
   After a while I put on sweatpants and a top then I put my hair in a bun.
     I open the door and I see a piece of paper on the floor ,I took it and and started reading it .
To Valerie
I now you might not be happy to read this but it ought to be written someday.I love u val and you know that I promised to never leave your side. But you see we can't cheat nature ,you knew my case with cancer. Your the best thing that ever happened to me ,I'm also not happy were parting ways.I just wanted to write this because it will be my last contact with you physically.remember this always.Love you
        After reading I ran to my mom."mom where are you?"
"I'm in the kitchen darling"

      I half jogged half ran to the kitchen.I gave her the letter confused.
       "Mom I found this in my room"
" oh this ,its from Kevin he wrote it before he died,the best you could do for him is to keep it".she says leaning on the counter.
      I turned to leave the kitchen but i remembered something ."mom I want to school in NewYork, I want to move on with my life".
  "Oh my do you know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" she says smiling.

       "That's a yes right?,I've got the money already I've been saving from my job"
      "You can go ,when are you leaving?"
"I'm thinking of leaving next week"I say trying to bring up a smile.
      "Alright then" mom says.

      I don't feel like eating so I just go out, while walking I spot an hair salon, I walk in. There was a lady on a desk she told me were to go.
   I went to a guy he looks quite young and muscular."I want to get an hair cut please" I say shyly.
        "How would you want it?"he asks.
I decide on cutting my hair on chin length.
"Chin length".

     After a while he's done ,I check my self I look different and I like it.

I pay him and leave. I walk home silently.
Its finally the day I go to NewYork.
I say good bye to my mom and walk into the airplane.
   Minutes later the plane is on the air.
Knowing there's no one with me I just decide to sleep

After the plane landed i rush to get my lugagges,then I spot my Favourite cousin.
"Oh my goodness,Dre it's been so long" I say hugging him tight.

"Yeah it's been so fucking long" he says.
I hit him slightly.

   " you still haven't stopped swearing yeah?". I smirk saying.

"Nothing has changed bout me you know" Dre says smiling as we walk to his car.

Dre's house was massive compared to mine. I'm not saying I'm poor, not to brag but I'm rich.

  I leave him and start wondering around his house.

I walk  through the hallway that has a lot I mean a lot of pictures hung on the wall.
I walked closer to a picture that seems to have everyone in the family in it.

we kids then were all little smiling innocently.

Then I hear my name and I quickly turn back.
"Valerie where did you wonder of to"

"Oh sorry I got carried away by your house"I say smiling.

"You can do that later you leave here now you know".




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