Chapter 1

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Today is the day that I marry my queen and become the luckiest man on Earth. I stand at the alter smiling brightly in my tuxedo waiting for the doors to open. The music starts and the doors open but I see no one in sight. Everyone patiently waits but still my beautiful fiancé doesn't appear. I look at my best man and he's just as confused as I am.

The whispers in the church suddenly become loud conversations of confusion as the time goes by. I look over at Brandy, the maid of honor and she slightly puts her head down. The wedding planner dismisses everyone leading them into the reception hall. I can hear the music and laughter as I stand still at the alter. I turn around and see Daryl, L.A, Melvin, and Kevon still standing there behind me like nothing ever happened.

We were all alone in the church now and it was clear to see that she wasn't showing up. I ran out of the church and ran all the way to the home we shared together. Everything was the exact way it was before we parted ways for our parties. I quickly headed upstairs running straight to her closet to see nothing missing.

"Where could she be?" I mumble to myself.

I sit on the bed confused. Laying on the nightstand was an envelope with my name on it. I hesitated as I realized all my worst dreams were coming true.

Ken, I'm so sorry but I can't do this. I care about you but I'm not in love with you. I don't want to sound cliché but its not you its me. I feel in love with someone else and no I didn't leave him for you. He doesn't even see me in that light but I couldn't build myself to pretend to love you. You deserve someone better than me.

I read the letter 20 times to make sure I really understood. I even pinched myself to see if I was dreaming. But I wasn't my life was completely over.

3 Years Later

"Good morning Mr. Edmonds you have a 10:30 appointment with Google and then your schedule is free." Tammy says smiling. "Thank you. After my meeting is over you can leave early."

A smile spreads across Tammy face as she realizes what I just said. She nodded her head and quickly left me to get ready for my meeting. After my meeting the day slowly drags on as I catch up on some paperwork.

"Hey man tonight we're going out." L.A says busting into my office. "What have I told you about walking into my office without knocking?" I say still focused on my paperwork. "Always knock." L.A says proudly. "Then why don't you do it?" I question. "I know what you're trying to do and it won't work." L.A says.

I slowly look up grinning at him as Daryl walks in.

"Great you're in a good mood be ready by 9 we'll pick you up." Daryl says leaving with L.A following him.

I walk into the house and place my briefcase on the kitchen table. I walk up the stairs into the bedroom I once shared with Rachel. Its been 3 years but sometimes it feels like its still the day of the wedding. I take a shower, shave and get dressed before Daryl and L.A are in my driveway honking the truck horn like crazy.

"Where are we going?"

"We're going to the club to relax a little man." L.A says running a red light. "Aye man you can't be doing that shit. Green means go, yellow means slow this motherfucker down and red means stop damn near put it in park!" Daryl yells.

We pull up to the club and get in instantly and head up to V.I.P.

"Is there anything I can get you gentlemen?" The waitress asks. "Yeah, a bottle of champagne, 10 shots of Tequila and 3 bottles of water." I slightly shout in the waitress ear.

"Man its lit in here tonight. Look at all these fine ass females walking around here." Daryl says. "Yeah and Kenny tonight is the night that you get up on something." L.A chimes in.

I wave L.A and Daryl off as our drinks come. I toss back 3 shots of Tequila and drink some water.

"I'm heading to the dance floor!"

I'm dancing to the music when this girl comes out of nowhere and we began to grind to the music. We dance to fast songs and then a slow song comes on. She tries to walk away but I gently grab her hand pulling her into me. The darkness makes it hard for me to fully view her face but the fluorescent lights help a bit. I bury my head in her neck as we embrace each other warmly.

The song ends and she tries to walk off again. I pull her back to me.

"Can I buy you a drink?" I whisper in her ear.

She hesitates in the middle of the dance floor as everyone dabs around us.

"I promise you I won't bite." I say causing her to chuckle. "Sure." She says leading the way to the bar.

She orders a Martini and I order a beer.

"You're a great dancer." I whisper in her ear. "You too." She replies back. "Do you come here often?" She asks. "No. I don't club much". "Me neither my friends made me come." She smiles. "Mine too." I chuckle.

Suddenly a girl comes up and whispers in her ear.

"OMG I have to go! Thanks for the drink!" She says trying to think of my name. "Kenny!" I yell to her. "Kenny!" She smiles at me as she's being dragged away.

"Whats your name?"

She says something but she's too far away and the music is very loud. I try to make my way to her but I get tangled up in a couple dancing on the dance floor. I look around and the girl is gone.

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