The Ghost?

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Ok, so I don't believe in ghosts, and I don't really believe in spirits. But one night something happened that really got to me. 

I have a little sister, I was 8 when she was born. Well she is my half sister, but I love her just as much, no matter what I say, but one night before I was supposed to go to my dad's I saw something.

I woke up in my bed, I had no idea why I was awake it had to be like 4 in the morning. But anyways I woke up and I looked to the foot of my bed, and there stood a white figure, it seemed to be pregnant. It didn't look at me, didn't move, all it did was stand there and hold its stomach. Now I know you might be thinking "Oh, she is making this up" or "It was just a dream". But I swear on my life that I'm not making this up, I was always the kid that never believed any ghost stories, and I know for a fact this was not a dream. 

Well anyways, I went to my dad's house that weekend, and there I as told I was gonna have a little brother or sister, and it was a girl. 

A few years later I was told I was gonna have a little brother. And I believe I saw the figure again but I am not quite sure.

Hey guys, this was my first life story. Please tell me what you think in the comments, Bye!!!!

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