Chapter 1 The Fight

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Leo's p.o.v

I was watching space hero's when I heard a loud crash. I Ignored It because usually when there's a loud crash Raph and Mikey were the one's to blame. I continued watching space hero's but It eventually It got to loud I couldn't hear what they were saying so I went to go see what they were arguing about this time. But to my surprise It wasn't just Raph and Mikey causing the sound Donnie was there to. They all stopped fighting and arguing when they saw me standing there.

"Leo why are you here." Said Donnie

"Ya we thought you were In the other room watching space hero's." Said Raph

"Well I was but you guys were making to much noise." I said

"Mikey started It." Said Raph

"I did not." Said Mikey

"Okay tell me what happened." I said

"Well I was In my lab working on a new invention." Said Donnie


Donnie's p.o.v

I was In my lab making a new invention but I need more parts to make It I was trying to make a medical robot for us for when we get hurt but I didn't have enough parts to make It. So I decide to go see If there Is anything around the lair for me to use. I walked with the rest of my parts for the robot but when I opened the door a bucket of water fell on me and It got the robot parts wet.

"Mikey." I yelled

"Yes Donnie." Said Mikey

"Why did you do that." I said

"Do what." Said Mikey

"Put a bucket of water above my door." I said

"It's just a prank bro." Said Mikey (That quote was said by my dear friend yourmybooiloveyou92)

Mikey knew I was about to chase his so he started running. I was going to go after him but first I had to make sure the parts for the robot were okay but If they weren't I could always check for any left over parts from metal head.

Raph's p.o.v
I was playing video games when Mikey came In.

"Hey Raph." Said Mikey

"Hey Mikey." I said

"So watcha doing." Said Mikey

"What does It look like I'm doing shell for brains." I said

"Wanna have a competition." Said Mikey

"What kind." I said

"If I beat you I get to paint spikes shell pink but If you win I'll do what ever you want for a week." Said Mikey

"Okay deal." I said

Me and Mikey both picked our avatars I was winning back just at the end Mikey threw a water balloon at me causing me to mess up and Mikey was about to beat me.

"Ha I win." Said Mikey

"Mikey." I yelled

"Spike hear I come." Said Mikey

"You stay away from him." I said

"Nope." Said Mikey

I started chasing him around the lair but then I tripped on something.

"Mikey watch were you're putting you're skate board." I said

"Well It was there because we were going on Patrol In a little bit." Said Mikey

"Mikey." Said Donnie

"Not now Donnie, Mikey Is a little busy." I said

"Well I have a bone to pick with him he dumped water on my robot parts." Said Donnie

"We're you making another Metal Head." Said Mikey

"No I was making a medical robot for when we get hurt." Said Donnie

"Well you better hurry because Mikey Is gonna need a medical robot after I'm done with him." I said

"I'll get right on It after I help you Raph." Said Donnie

"Help me with what." I said

"Getting back at Mikey." Said Donnie

"Oh no bro's." Said Mikey

Me and Donnie started chasing Mikey around the lair.

Leo's p.o.v

"So that's what happened." Said Donnie

"Which brings us to now." Said Raph

"Let It go You guys." I said

"Really you want us to let It go." Said Donnie

"Ya." I said

"Really you don't let It go when we don't listen to your orders." Said Raph

"That's different." I said

"Really how." Said Mikey

"Because we are In danger when we are on a mission." I said

"The only one I see In danger Is Mikey." Said Raph

"Raph let It go." I said

"No fearless." Said Raph

"Don't call me that." I said

"Why fearless It's true." Said Raph

"Take It back." I said

"Make me." Said Raph taking out his Sai's

I took out my Twin Katana's and got into fighting position. As soon as I got into position Raph tackled me. I was able to block a few of his attacks. But Raph pined me against a wall.

"Raph calm down." Said Mikey

"No." Said Raph

"Raph you need to calm down." Said Donnie putting a hand on his shoulder

"I am not calming down." Said Raph

Before I knew what was happening Raph stabbed my shoulder with his Sai.

"Ahh." I screamed

Raph just started at me

"L Leo I'm so sor-." I said Raph

"You know what I don't want hear It Raph." I said

Before anyone could say anything I ran out of the lair. When I got to the surface I realized me shoulder was still bleeding. I took of my mask and rapped It around my shoulder. I knew It would we keep the blood loss from flooding but I didn't want to go back to the lair. I was jumping from roof top to roof top when something hit me. It was a foot shoulder I Tried fighting It but It was no use my shoulder was In to much pain I was on the edge of a rooftop I help my sword up and tried fighting back but the foot solider knocked me off the building I hit the ground as I welcomed the darkness that came.

Hey guys this Is a new story I hope you enjoy please comment what you think of It and don't worry I will update my other story's to I hope you will enjoy this story I had a lot of fun making It

Nya5555 out

Lol see what I did there any ways bye May the force be with you

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