Deal with a Devil

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I love cemeteries. Midnight of our senior year and the devil wanted to go out and play, naturally we followed. Keep in mind this Devil is actually an Angel. Angela Sanders to be exact, whom I have been friends with since first grade. She took to having a rebellious life when her mother passed away from breast cancer. Her way of grieving was doing every death defying, rule breaking, and stereotype breaking thing she could think of. This included jumping off of roofs, breaking into condemned themed parks, and joining the boys football team. Hence, the earned nickname of the Devil.

She even has the looks of an Angel gone bad, her hair is bleach blonde with streaks of black and red racing through its entirety. Her eyes are such a pale blue they are almost white with a shocking black outline to her irises. Five foot and seven inches of olive toned skin highlight the lean muscles of her body, created by four years of football. Why she stayed friends with me I will never know. I'm an astounding five foot three with typical nerd glasses, dirty blonde hair, and eyes the color of mud, plus I've never played a sport in my life. Except that one year of soccer that we all do. The only thing notable about me is my photographic memory.

Tonight was just another one of her escapades that I tagged along for and since we live in New Orleans it occurred in one of our many cemeteries. The night was pitch black except for the glowing lamp posts and shining moon. We could get murdered but these are the conditions that Angela thrives in, dangerous ones. It was me, Angel, Josh, and Danny. They were the only guys from the team I could actually tolerate, in other words they weren't complete assholes. Plus, I'm pretty sure they're gay for each other.

We were currently in front of Marie Laveau's tomb, the Queen of Voodoo herself, and Angel was playing football. I stood leaned against the tomb and admired how easily she caught the ball and how effortlessly she threw it back over and over without fail. The way her arms stretched above her head and lifted her shirt just enough to see her toned stomach when she jumped to catch the ball and the way her arms tensed when she set herself to throw it back at one of the boys. I had every line of her body memorized, a perk of my photographic memory. What I don't have are reflexes. One of the not-complete assholes threw the ball almost directly at my head. Thankfully it only skimmed my hair, not thankfully it bounced off of Miss Laveau and into the maze of a cemetery. Great.

Angela got a devilish grin on her face and headed in the direction of the ball, "Come on Sammy! Let's go." I looked at her as if she was insane, which I'm pretty sure she is, "I think you mean Danny." Sammy and Danny are pretty close, right? Easy mistake. But no, she gives me the look that I know is meant only for me. Obediently, I stray from the safety of Madame Laveau and follow the dangerous path of the Devil herself.

As we pick our way through the maze of tombs and head stones looking for the ball Angela turns to look at me every now and then with a smirk on her face and a sparkle in her eye. I knew she wasn't worried about getting lost, she had me. She always seems so carefree and light. Coming in and out of my vision as she passes through the towering shadows of the tombs Angela peeks into every nook and cranny for that damn football which I'm pretty sure is long gone.

"Angel? I don't think we're going to find it, maybe we should head back," I'm looking in the direction we came from when my body collides with something solid and I feel my belt loops get hooked. Snapping my head to face in front of me I'm met with Angel's beautiful smirking face. She moves so that her lips are right next to my ear when she whispers, "Have you ever danced with the Devil, in the pale moonlight?" this sends chills down my spine and sounds as rich as velvet. I respond just as smoothly, "No, but I've danced with an Angel."

Pulling her head back she looks directly into my eyes. As usual, I still get amazed by the pale beauty of them. They're like a starburst of blues and whites that create a cosmic snowflake with every shift of the light. I've learned every color and sparkle of them, but in the full moon's light they are even more beautiful. She's glowing. "I'm no angel." her voice has lost it's smoothness and is replaced with a waver that I can't identify. I move my face so that we're nose to nose, "You're my Angel." With only a moment of hesitation she closes the distance between us and now I was being kissed by an Angel. Her hold on my hips tightened as my hands tangled themselves in her sun bleached locks. Deepening the kiss I pried her lips open and gained dominance of this world shattering moment. Of course, being her competitive self she stole it from me. As she delved her tongue into my mouth a small squeak of surprise left my lips when she moved her hands to grip my backside. A moan from the angel herself came quickly after I pulled on her hair to gain more control. My arms trailed down onto her shoulders and pushed her away slowly. I needed to breathe. She whimpered in protest bringing a smile to my face, "Sorry, an angel took my breath away." I bring my hands up to cup her face and she does the same to me. Her eyes crinkle from the big smile on her face and soon we both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Now you can say you've made out with the devil herself" her eyes are still twinkling with the remnants of laughter. "I don't think you were in the same make out as me because that was as close to heaven as either of us will ever get." I rub my nose against hers and just stare at the beauty in front of me. Moments of our past flit by in my memory, years of sweet tea shots, pinkie promises, and Mardi Gras sleepovers. Never in my wildest dreams did I think something like tonight would be engrained in my mind.

But, of course, my mind ruins the moment as a terrible thought passes through and I see Angel question my sudden change of mood, "What happens now?" my voice is barely above a whisper and I can't look her in the eyes anymore. She was the top dog of our school, there was no way she would want to be seen dating a nerdy girl like me. I feel my face be pulled up and Angel kisses me again, it's not as long as the first but it's still like heaven. When she pulls away words of certainty leave her swollen lips, "That kiss just sealed your deal with the devil." She smirks and curls her index finger into one of my belt loops again. I raise my hand between us with my pinkie extended and a smirk of my own, she glances down and back to me. When she takes my pinkie into hers with her free hand I peck her quickly, "And that was yours." Pinkies still entwined I lead the way back to the boys. Along the way, I notice a dark out of place shape by a wreath of flowers. Chuckling to myself, I scoop the ball up as we pass by and toss it to Angel. My Angel.

Spotting the top of Marie Laveau's tomb I start hearing some strange noises. More like moans. Passing the last turn, Angel and I spot something else to add to this eventful night, the boys were in full make out mode. I whisper into Angel's ear, "I called it." she smirks and whispers back, "I made it happen." I hold in my laughs as the familiar form of the devil herself getting set to throw the ball at the boys fills my vision. I love cemeteries.

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