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Day 1

Every year, the school would organise a camp for all of the students in January. In 2013, since Johnathan was in Secondary 3 the camp was overseas, in Malaysia. Of course, with leaving the country comes many more possibilities and much more danger. He was accompanied by his class, 312, and his form teachers, Mr Han and Mr Peng.

At the campsite itself, there was a main dining hall, several dorm rooms for each sex and around five or so private, small bedrooms. And of course there was a huge grasspatch between the blocks of dorms and the dining hall, for tent pitching. The tents were where Johnathan and his class slept on the first night of the three day, two night camp.

On the first night, the lights-out time was 11. He was in the first tent where the guys were sleeping. Over in the second tent, Lay Chun's NYAA booklet, a log book where you could earn free credits from, was dirtied by Milo, a type of chocolate-malt-milk concoction. Later, Lay Chun explained himself by saying that right before he turned off the flashlight, he suddenly needed to pee when something shocking happened.

"Junyang, you know she didn't dump you because of you, right? It was because of herself. So don't get back at her by trying hastily to get another girl, especially a minor! It's just wrong and disgusting and," said an unidentified female voice, which increased in volume as time went by, as the female and Mr Peng walked closer to the tent. Meanwhile, in Johnathan's tent, everyone was asleep.

"I can do what I bloody well want," hissed Mr Peng as he walked with hard yet fast footsteps past the tents into the teachers' dorms. Lay Chun, jittery and very desperate, left the tent in a fluster, stepping on the Milo packet which was on top of his NYAA booklet in the rush to the bathroom to relieve himself. A few seconds later, a shrill shriek reverberated through the air, and although Lay Chun was still awake and could hear it, he did nothing and cried himself to sleep.

Day 2

In the morning, bathing time was at 8 am. Each of the students had to go into the dorms to bathe and because so many of them had to wash the filth of the previous day off themselves in so little time, some of them bathed together in the same cubicle, including two of the guys from Johnathan's class. While waiting for his turn to bathe, a few guys from class 301 who were still half dressed taunted Johnathan.

"What are you staring at? You gay? You think this is yummy huh? You want it?" some of them said as they proudly flashed their bulge in front of him. He screamed, loud and long, until Wen Han who had just finished bathing came to his side and comforted him.

"What happened?" he asked, as Johnathan shook a finger toward the 301 guys. Wen Han once again questioned him and Johnathan saw five, fully dressed and stunned shitless, guys from 301 staring back at him when he looked at them. In disbelief, he flung his comb at the mirror and ran out of the room screaming at the top of his lungs.

In the afternoon, after they had two hours or so of kayaking fun, the class returned to the dorms while waiting for dinner to be prepared. The eight of the guys sat down around talking about life.

-Mr Peng's point of view-

Oh great, all of them are here. Let me just wait until Wen Han is here before switching the peanut snack out for sweetbread disguised as ice cream. No one can tell it's pig organ! And Wen Han loves ice cream. Hehehehe. His girl will be mine!!

Just as Kenny left the room to shower, Mr Peng opened the window and switched the peanut dish for sweetbread, tested positive for E Coli and Hepatitis. A few minutes later, Samuel exclaimed in alarm, pointing at the dish. "Hey! This wasn't here before! Do you think something sneaky is going on?" The other guys ignored him and continued to talk nonsense. A few minutes later, Kenny returned and sat down next to the dish of sweetbread. He carefully scooped and swallowed one spoonful of it before asking, "What did I miss?"

Mr Peng smacked his forehead as he muttered angrily under his breath, damn that stupid blur Kenny!

After dinner, Kenny suddenly collapsed as he was about to get back to our table with what would be his third serving. He was brought to the sick bay at the camp and after an hour of resting, he had to go and vomit whatever he had eaten that day.

Two hours after dinner, just as we were about to proceed to the last activity of the night, Mr Peng came to our dorm when we were packing our stuff to leave.

"Our dear Kenny decided that it is a good idea to go into the girls' dorm and vomit in the SINK. Now we have to clean it up since the entire sink is clogged up with his vomit. Let's go," he said sternly as he brought all of us to the girls' dorm to clean up.

Johnathan, on the other hand, decided that since they were going to miss the last activity anyway, went to do what he always wanted to do. You see, he knew what the hell Mr Peng was up to and he was definitely going to let the appropriate people know exactly what it was. He knew that the campsite was not as secure as it seemed to be and knew a way to escape without being caught.

Adrenaline level high, Johnathan set off in an opposite direction from the other guys and proceeded to the Northeast of the campsite. After five minutes of briskwalking he finally got to my destination, the gate that stood between the campsite and the wilderness beyond. He climbed the gate skilfully and swiftly and when he reached the other side he took out the cigarette and lighter he stole from Mr Peng's daypack earlier that day, from my pocket. Johnathan ran for a further five minutes away from the campsite before lighting the cigarette and throwing it on the crisp, dry grass. In a few minutes, this place will burn and I will finally get the opportunity to do what I need to do, Johnathan thought gleefully as he watched the flames erupt.

In the distance, a raging fire could be seen. Glowing bright yellow-orange, the flames seemed to rise higher and higher as the fire intensified. All the Secondary 3 students and teachers gathered at the car porch, while Johnathan walked back to where Wen Han and Yong Qi, who were in a relationship, would be after the all clear signal would sound. The dead know everything, you see. Although I am dead, I will always support you guys from where I am, Johnathan thought, as he did the minor thing that would make Wen Han and Yong Qi aware of what Mr Peng was doing.

Ten minutes later, the couple walked into the private bedroom. After some relatively uninteresting conversation, Wen Han suddenly blurted out, "He raped you?"

"Shush! Do you want people to hear? Do you want the entire world to know? Yes he did, okay?" Yong Qi replied, starting to tear up as she reached a finger to what was supposed to be the peanut bowl. She screamed.

"WHY IS THERE SWEETBREAD HERE?!" Yong Qi, who was much more alert than Kenny was, screamed.

"Sweetbread? Oh fuck," Wen Han said as he finally had the epiphany that he needed. Johnathan, who was outside their window all along, smiled.

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