It's the end

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Its been years since Sam and Dean Winchester lost their last fight. Castiel still remembers every detail. It was just a normal hunt. A vamp nest. Castiel was tagging along since he hadnt in a while. But little did he know this was the last time he would see these boys. The two men who saved the world.
Everything went along smoothly. They headed back to the beautiful 1967 black chevy Impala. They started the car and the engine roared through the empty woods. Elvis started booming through the speakers.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in"
Castiel's favourite. He looks towards Dean. Ready to confess his love.
"But I"
"Cant help"
"Yeah Cas?"
"Falling in love"
"I love y-"

The semi crashed into the side of the car, flipping it over. Castiel wakes up to being pulled out of the crushed car. He looks over and sees Sam and Dean being covered by white sheets. "SAM!DEAN!" tears are streaming down his face. He just lost his first love and great friend. Those three men who saved the world were just seperated by death. They say life and death are in love. The most beautiful things die early, as a symbol of life confessing its love to death.

"And that kids, is how three men who saved and defeated monsters,demons,angel and saved the world, died."he said with a sad smile. "KIDS IT TIME FOR DINNER!" a mother yelled. All the children ran off while saying their goodbyes. Except for one."Lucy, you have to go eat." the man said. "Are you an angel?" she asked. He gave a small smile. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To visit Sam and Dean of course." Her eyes lit up and she ran to the house laughing screaming "he's an Angel! He's an Angel!" he smiled and walked off with his trench coat flapping in the wind. Lucy will always remember those bright blue eyes. The car-years old- rusts away only a few feet into the woods. The old stories fading away with the car, as soon the children will grow up and corget the stories of the three men who saved the world. Team Free Will.

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