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A/N: Yeye at the multimedia though. ♥


Today, I've decided to roam around the are as what yesung wanted me to do. His non stop bothering made me do this, and because it bores me in the room doing nothing and just staring the ceiling. And roaming the place, made me conclude that, Iridia isn't the same as Acadia, but still fascinating.

"You should go out, you might go crazy in here." He said.

I smiled at the thought. In my stay here, he's been nothing but nice to me. Well, except for the first night though and I've alreadh forgive him. I understand that he is just frustrated. And I can't stay mad at him, not when he pouts. What did I do in my past life to deserve someone like him?

"Guess who is this?" A husky voice said, and a fetus-like hands were covering my eyes.

Huh, as if I don't know. Is he here to ask me again what's my plan on my upcoming birthday? Ah, really, this guy!

"C'mon, Yesung. I know it's you." I said confidently while chuckling.

He removed his hands and stomps his feet like a baby who was taken its candy away from him.

"How did you know it was me?" He pouted and crossed his arms.

He's acting cute again, and I can't resist it.

I chuckled, "Of course, I know. Your hands are smaller than a baby's hands, so who wouldn't know?"

"Eeeyyy!!" He chortled. He then stood closer to me and whisper, "But this hands were all over you earlier, Serene."

I can feel my hairs on my nape standing up and my cheeks turned red when I felt his hot breathe on my nape.

"You're blushing, Serene." He commented. He held my face with his hands, "I can't get enough of you."

He was about to kiss me when we heard a huge thud. Everyone was panicking, including me. Who wouldn't be?

Yesung linked our hands, "I'll never let you go."

I just noded, and my mind went blank when I saw dead people in front me and, "Heechul?"

"Heechul?" For a moment I lost my voice. I tried not to blink, 'cause if I will, he might disappear.

"Stop right there, Heechul," Yesung's authority voice said, "Don't go near her."

Heechul smirk, "Why not?" Then he started dragging me to I don't have any idea where.

I withdrawed my hand off him. If only my stare could kill, he's dead now. "We can't leave Yesung just like that!"

"The whole Acadia despise him, Serene!" He shot back, "My dad disowned him. He betrayed the whole acadia!"

I was looking at him with my eyes pleading, "Please let me stay here with him."

"YOU CAN'T! DON'T YOU GET THAT?!" He said throught his gritted teeth. He was furiously mad.

My conscience is telling me to stay with Yesung. I told him I'll stay with him. But the other part of me is saying that I should ho with Heechul, I was hoping for this. I was waiting that he'll come and get me, save me from here, from my sanity.

I'm sorry, Yesung. It's me who let go, not you.

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