Desert Storm

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All around me, all I see is a mist. A mist of people, mist of thoughts, mist of emotions. A mist that is so strong it clouds my eyes with tears, or are those tears of my own doing? These are silent tears, wept only at the darkness of dawn due to the fear of others mocking these tears. My mind can't begin to comprehend the emotions raging inside of me, raging like a mad ocean. Time after time again, I am the one taking the hits. Time after time again, you leave me in my own desert storm of pain while you drink the water that is freely given to you. The pain inside, a broken heart, all because of a misunderstanding? You often tell me, "I love you" with the cute smiley face at the end, but what comes after the face? Love behind ta screen is different than love face-to-face. All the promises you made seem to be breaking now, breaking like our trust, breaking like our friendship, breaking like.....Me. I am reaching out my hand in this storm, though I cannot see, I know, I BELIEVE, that someone will reach out and help this broken person. Reach out and tell him that it's not OK, but soon it will be better. Someone to just assure him that this isn't the end, there is beauty in your pain. In my desert storm you have left me, in my desert storm I stand. Pushing forward is a must, even if the wind pushes me back, because I know I'd rather finish trying  my best than just giving up. It feels like all hands are there to mend your wounds, so there is no hands available for mine. I will mend them myself, I will push, I WILL stand, I AM determined to be the best. A few KO'S here and there don't mean a thing, those KO'S only make me stronger. I will make a sunny field from a desert storm. My love to you never stopped, but it seems like yours to mine has. What's love got to do with it when you don't love yourself? You were the only one I saw perfectly, clearly, in the midst of the mist. You shone like a bright and beautiful diamond, but life and diamonds have taught me that looks are deceiving. So were you really my light or my darkness? Because all around me, all I see is a mist....

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