Deans Angel.

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This is just a short cute little Destiel fanfic :)


"Cas? Cas! Cas!", Dean shouted from the parking lot. He loved annoying Cas in public.

"Dean, why do you continue to call my name?", Cas deadpanned. He hated it when Dean annoyed him like that.

"I just wanted to say, you look good on the hood of my car babe.", Dean said walking towards his angel. Dean and Castiel had been together for a month, and Dean was loving every minute of it. "Do you know what could make it better?"

Cas looked up at Dean with his perfect blue eyes. God he was sexy when he did that.
That was all Dean could think.

"What is that Dean?", Cas furrowed his huge eyebrows in the way Dean loved.

"If I was on it with you.", Dean said with a smug grin.

"If you were on it Dean, the hood would dent.", Cas deadpanned again.

"Yeah, but I could fix that.", Dean said leaning in closer to Cas. He was waiting for another word from Cas.

"Dean? What are you doing? Why are you so close to me? I thought we talked about personal space.", Cas said using Deans own words against him.

"Personal space doesn't matter when you're mine Castiel.", Dean said putting a gentle kiss on Cas's neck.

"Dean, we're in public, isn't that bad?", Cas questioned Dean again.

"Nobody's around Cassie.", Dean places another kiss on his neck only higher.

Cas was beginning to fell weird, as if he needed Dean.

Suddenly Dean pressed his lips gently against Cas's. Castiel began to turn a shade of bright red.

"You're blushing Cas.", Dean remarked kissing Cas's jawline.

"Of course Dean, you're the only person I blush for.", Cas deadpanned once again. Dean simply smiled as he pressed his lips against Cas's lips again.

Dean began to run his tongue over Cas's lower lip, begging for access. Castiel was confused at first, Dean had never done this before. Cas barely opened his mouth, letting Dean in to explore his mouth. As their kiss deepened Dean let out an unfamiliar moan.

"Dean?", Cas asked pulling away afriad that he had hurt his love.

"Cas, if I moan, it means I like it. Now come here.", Dean said pulling Cas in my his trench coat. They kissed again, this time Cas was happy to let dean deepen the kiss.

Soon Dean was pulling Cas to the door of the motel room, wanting more. This time it was Cas who let out a moan, putting his arms around Deans neck.

Dean pulled away just to say, "see?"

Now Cas was the one pressing his lips against Deans, and he was the open opening the door to the hotel room.
Dean gently began to run his hands down to Cas's hips. Dean let out another moan just for the fun of it.
Now they were on the wall, their kisses were deeper than before.
Soon there were moans coming from both of them, as they were pleased by each other.

"Guys! Gross! I'm investigating here!", Sam said bitchily.

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