1. Luhan

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3:34 AM
You are woken by your phone ringing. Fumbling in the dark, you grab it from your bedside table and answer the FaceTime call, sleep still clouding your eyes and blurring the caller's name.

"Hello?" You utter, your voice hoarse with tiredness. Shielding your eyes from the bright screen, you blearily peer at the person's face.

"Baobei?" You mumble sleepily. Luhan grins at your tiredness.

"Sorry for waking you," he says apologetically.

You smile. "It's okay."

"Were you having a good dream?" He asks, and you begin to wonder why he is facetiming you; he is fully aware that it is 3 in the morning.

"Mmhmm," you reply, sitting up in bed and putting on your glasses. Your boyfriend comes into focus as he grins at you all the way from China.

"I hope it was about me," he smirks.

"Maybe..." You tease him. He bites his lip, making your stomach flutter.

"Hey, you're wearing my sweater!" He notices, face lighting up with delight.

You nod, pulling it tighter around yourself. You had made him wear it everyday when you had last been with him in China so it had smelled of him, but in the time you have been apart it had faded and been replaced by the fresh scent of washing powder.

"I know it's the middle of the night baby, I just wanted to tell you I love you," Luhan smiles sweetly.

"I love you more," you grin back.

"I love you most." He states firmly.

You give in, knowing that he is too stubborn for you to ever change his mind.

Luhan smirks again, and you wish he was there beside you so you could kiss those lips. It has been two months since you last saw him, and you miss him more than you can put into words.

"Anyway, I miss you so much. I can't wait to see you again." He pauses and smiles sadly. "I hope it will be soon."

You nod, barely suppressing a yawn. You're exhausted but don't want Luhan to go.

He notices. "For now though you should sleep."

"Baobei, will you sing to me?" You ask, snuggling under the duvet.

He shrugs his assent, clearing his throat, before beginning a song you haven't heard before. It is beautiful, the melody rising and falling and the words wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. Smiling contentedly, you drift off to sleep.

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