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Hello again, how've you all been?

My last story's been read by MANY more people than I expected! 39 reads??? That's amazing!!!! Thank you all, this means a lot!

This is another thing for you... hope you enjoy x


-What's wrong this time? - my mum asked when she entered the room. I could hear she was very annoyed.


Isn't it normal for me to stare pensively at the ceiling while laying on my bed and listening to sad songs?


Why does she always overreact? I thought she'd get used to it after all this time. I was wrong, I guess.

-Jess, I'm talking to you! - she shouted suddenly.
-Sorry, I-I just... N-nothing's wrong, why?
- Don't try it again, you know I can tell exactly when you're down. - she sat next to me on the bed - What is it?
- Don't you really know? God. I've been thinking about him for so long, that should be, like, obvious. I just... You know how hard this is.
-Oh, yes... - she said, standing up. -Yeah anyway, I have some work to do. - she walked up to the door. - Hey, Jess? - she stopped in the doorway.
-Just... don't think too much, okay? I love you, darling. - She said and left the room.

I didn't answer.

I didn't want to.

I didn't feel like it.

He was all I could've thought of. Well, he was my boyfriend, after all.

And I loved him.

So much.

More than anything in this goddamn world.


I decided to call him; I couldn't take it anymore. I took my phone and saw I've received a message.

Michael: Hey honey, how are you? You wanna come over for dinner today? We're gonna eat with my family, thought you'd like to join us? I'll pick you up at 3:30pm. I love you xxx


Dinner? With his family?


My boyfriend has just the WORST ideas. Eh.

But, well, I guess I had to. He'd pick me up in...

15 minutes???

I put on some black pants I found in the box of infinite chaos that I call my wardrobe and a simple black button up. And my old converse.


I then tried to take control of my hair and make it look less lifeless but I couldn't. As always. I gave up soon and put on my leather jacket, ready to go.

I went downstairs but I couldn't find my mum there, so I just left her a note.

Don't worry about me, I'll be back around 8pm, I guess? I'm going out with Michael. Love you xxx

...and got out of the house. I was standing outside for a few minutes when I saw a familiar black car driving in my direction. It soon parked on the driveway and a really handsome guy got out of it.

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