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Marquise: I want you

Jasilinda: I want you too love

Marquise: I'm serious

Jasilinda: I know, I am too

Marquise: I want you mentally, emotionally, and sexually

Jasilinda: You can have me anyway you want, If you are being sincere because I really truly love you.

Marquise: yayyyyyy

Jasilinda: However, I can't do this. I am only 15. I can't offer you everything you are looking for and I can't be the girl that is holding you back. It was fun while it lasted and it honestly hurts me to say this but I'm looking out for both of us. I want what's best for you.

Marquise: Wait where is this coming from?

Jasilinda: It's something I have been thinking about for a while now.

Marquise: So it's like that.

Jasilinda: I'm sorry lord knows I wish I could be with you forever but chances are that we aren't so why should I let myself continue going through this torture. The more time we spend together, the more we talk, the more attached I get to you and it's going to hurt me more when life pull us apart so it's better to just walk away from the situation.  I mean you have finally graduated you are going off to basic training and once you come back you are off to start your life we are in two different lanes right now I can't hold you back and I won't allow myself to get hurt.......

Marquise: Baby I wasn't going to.................. you know what never-mind it was nice knowing you.

Jasilinda: wait, what were you about to say?

Marquise: Goodnight

Jasilinda: No!!!! Ugh

 9 months earlier

     I walked into high school with my head held high. They made it sound like high school would be so different from middle school. I mean as long as I stay true to myself it shouldn't be so bad.The first day I wore a pink aeropostale shirt and just a plain pair of blue jeans. I had my hair in a ponytail with a pink ribbon around it. I was so nervous as I walked into the building to go get my schedule. I had missed the first two weeks of school due to a personal situation and I was afraid of not knowing what to do next. My first class was gym and as I walked into the gym I was relieved to find out my best friend ,Brianna, took the class with me. I ran to her and we dramatically hugged each other then laughed. "Thank God you're in here I feel so relieved" I said. "I know right. I actually just got moved to gym they had me in some other class at first.", she replied. We sat down and she basically asked how things were going with me.

       "Well I'm alive so I can't complain but it's just been the same old, same old. My mother's in a rehab now. Even though she's still here physically I miss the way we used to talk she's just not the same anymore but I try not to talk about that. Then there's Chanelle  ,my mother's cousin in which I called my aunt who has custody of me and my baby sister, there's moments when everything is great then sometimes she gets upset for no reason. I barely get out the house and do anything. To be honest I try not to complain too much about that because I know that our financial state isn't all that good right now but I have to admit it irks me from time to time. I get a little bored always being in the house not being able to go out with friends and turn up as well." I explained to her.

        We continued talking until the bell rang. I easily found the rest of my classes and I actually had a pretty good day.  Everything seemed to be going alright. I had my best friend, the classes were easy, and everything at school seemed to be going fine. Home is where the problem was. Everyone in the house had a reason to be stressed out we all had things on our minds. Majority of the time I used dance and writing to release my stress. However, Chanelle would be pretty chill for awhile but once her anger and stress level went completely up she would find any reason to lash out on me. She called me ungrateful, selfish, bratty, everything that I was not. She would tell the other family members that I was just so hateful and had a bad attitude problem and I would get mad so easily. I had never gotten mad if anything I was hurt. At this point in my life I had been through so much that my own family didn't even know about and at this point my mother was too sick to remember for she was the only one who knew yet she didn't even believe what had happened to me was true. Therefore at this point in my life nothing hurt me more than the mean words that came out the mouths of the only people in this world that I loved. I was surrounded by many people yet I still felt lonely.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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