Wolf Pack

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                             The Wolf Pack

Table of Contents
1. Prologue ............................................................................ 2
2. The Hunt ............................................................................ 4
3. Erica ............................................................................... 7
4. The Plan .............................................................................. 12
5. NEW FRIENDS ..................................................................... 16
6. THE HEIST ...........................................................................
​ 7. EXECUTION ........................................................................

My name is Daniel I grew up in Rhode Island, I am seventeen years old and I'm just about to go to some fancy institute up in New York. Me and my family are planning a getaway "party" before I leave, we decided to go visit Boston. I have two younger siblings, a younger brother who is fourteen and already thinks he knows everything, I also have a eight year old sister who can be a handful at times. So you could easily say I am not excited for this trip. Now if my mom were here she could handle it easily, but she died due to a British bombardment in boston just last year. I think the real reason we are going to visit Boston is to go visit her burial site. Well at least that's what I am going to do, although I am going to show my little brother some of the tricks I have learned about traveling, and help my little sister deal with my menace of a brother, but at night when I am all alone I will go visit her. My mom has been gone for about a year now. She died on June 20th 1665, just a few months after the lobsterbacks invaded. Now of course I am a full hearted Patriot, they killed my mother and have made my family suffer more than any family should have too (except for maybe the lobsters families), but I don't know how I can help other than join the army, but whenever I propose the idea to my father (Robert) he shuts me down me down faster than I can say the word army! It is extremely irritating and aggravating that he won't let me make my own decisions for once, I mean I am nearly a man, I should be able to make my own decisions, but whenever I say that he says "Son, what if what happened to your mother happens to me, then who will take care of our family." And of course he has a point, but still I should be doing something to help drive the Brits out of my country and my family's country. And if I do nothing, could I live with myself knowing I just watched my friends and their dads risk their lives while I am at school up in New York, hoping and willing the brits to go back home. No, I couldn't do it, I need to do something I just have to.


My family and I are about leave on our trip to Boston, as of right now we are making sure we didn't forget our family's musket, I made sure I had my knives, My sister is getting our dog (Molly), my brother as always is messing around with my little sister. Sometimes I just wish that everything could be peaceful, that chaos and madness would just cease to exist. My father said "Kids let's go everything is ready" and just like that we are all settled down in the wagon and ready to ride to Boston. The next few days were some of the most miserable days of my life, my brother couldn't seem to find anything useful to do so instead he found all the ways he could to irritate my sister, he poked her with a muddy stick even after she kept yelling and screaming for him to stop, that's when I went up to my little brother took his branch and snapped it in half and said "Enough, can you not hear that she is annoyed?" Sometimes I wonder what goes through his mind, well I didn't have to wonder this time he clearly thought he needed to voice his opinion on this certain topic, he said "What, she is just a girl it's not like what she thinks or says will ever matter." Even before I could slap him my dad was grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the ground, you could easily see the fear on my brother's face while he was being propelled into the air by our dad, my father angrily said almost a yell " You will never ever speak to your little sister or any other woman like that again!"After that he yelled, "Do you hear me!" My brother replied sheepishly with his eyes down "Yes dad of course." By now my brother had tears streaming down his face and he was just trying to retain all the pride he could possibly could. I thought it served him right, that's when my dad turned to me and said "How could you have let your brother tease and nag at your sister like that all day?" I didn't know what to say to be honest I intervened too late I guess, so I just stayed silent and looked down in defeat and disappointment. I hate seeing my dad mad especially when he is mad at me.
Another day after that explosive situation we would be in boston, it was quiet for the rest of the trip as you can imagine. When we finally did arrive in boston all I could see were red coats, It was infuriating, all I saw was them shooting my mother, (even though that's not what happened it was all I could see.) My dad could easily see the anger and distaste on my face and quickly fixed it by making me find the inn we were going to stay at for the night, this got me distracted very easily, seeing all these people made me think well they must be staying at an inn as well. It took my father and myself two hours to finally find an inn that had space for all four of us and our two horses. It was a fairly nice place, it had comfortable beds and nice enough furniture. It was me and my brother in one room and my dad and little sister in the other. At noon or so we ate lunch, it was mutton chops covered in gravy with a side of celery, it was a fairly tasty meal, of course though it could have used some more food, but with the place being packed as tight as it is i am surprised we even got a meal, everywhere I looked I saw patrons drinking ale and laughing at one another's bland jokes, this is how people got through these times I thought bitterly, lots of ale and plain humor. Then I noticed something in the corner of my eye, a british captain pestering a beautiful, charming young girl, in fact she couldn't be more than 16, that's what pushed me over the line, here was this british scum coming over to my country and irritating my people, and once again my father beat me to it, he was on that british dog and yelling at him to leave her alone, then my idiot brother joined in and started kicking the captain, well you can bet that wherever a captain is his infantry are not far behind. And that is exactly what happened the captains muts came piling in like bees in a swarm, really painful and bloody bees. Once they saw their captain on the ground wailing and screaming bloody murder they jumped on my father and my brother that's when I was about to join in but I could hear my father yelling "Danny run, take your sister and run!" It was definitely the hardest thing I have ever done, but I obeyed I took my sister and slipped out the back door so me and my sister wouldn't be noticed, my sister was just sobbing uncontrollably, I tried to comfort her but it's not effective if you yourself are crying as well. When we got outside I noticed how cold it is, brisk wind and raining, it was perfect it matched my mood right then exactly, bitter and crying. When I finally realized we had nowhere to go I heard the most angelic voice I will ever hear in my life, she said "here come with me and keep your sister safe we are going to be taking some sharp turns."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2017 ⏰

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