Chater 1 - where it all started

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I hate you I screamed at him leave me alone let me go now!
Never your staying with me and I'm not letting you go
Please Connor let me go
My brother will kill you if you hurt me...
He threw me to the floor me banging my head on the wall
Shit Connor screamed holing my head
She's bleeding fuck err err
He ran and grabbed the phone


Please help my girlfriend banged her head and it's bleeding badly ! ....

A few minutes later the paramedics arrive and take me too hospital I was out cold ....

I remember waking up in the hospital bed it was just me and my "boyfriend" I screamed doctors came running in and calmed me down I then realised that I had a tube down my throat and couldn't scream probably, the doctors removed Connor from the room...

Shit she remembers Connor said
Remembers what mr smith? The doctor asked ...

I heard Connor screaming my name I looked up to see him been dragged away by the police finally I thought justice will be mine.

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