1. You're not dreaming

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"Y/N, come one! Give up already. We're obviously in the wrong airport."

I sighed and took a sip of my eighth coffee since last night.

"I'm sorry Rory, I can't give up just yet. I'm sure this is where they're flying in."

It was seven in the morning and Rory and I were sat in an airport cafe just outside of London waiting for BTS to arrive in England. They announced their UK tour 6 months ago and naturally I brought tickets straight away; I finally had the chance to see my favourite band live and I had never been more excited. Until now.

"Fine" she rolled her eyes "These guys better be worth the wait. And the sleep deprivation."

"They will be, I promise" I smiled.

"And if we are at the wrong airport, you owe me £20 for coffee"

"That was never the deal!" I shouted and smacked my best friend's arm playfully "no one forced you to buy that coffee!" We laughed.

"Okay fine! But you do owe me big time. Especially for making me go to their concert too."

"Oh come on! I know you have a little thing  for Taehyung, don't even try to deny it!" I elbowed her and gave a smirk that earned me a smack on the head. "Ow! Is that how you treat your elders!?" I laughed rubbing where she struck me.

"Whatever loser. I'm going to the bathroom, try not to pass out if you see them while I'm gone."

"But if I passed out one of them could save me!" I laughed, if only...

"Dream on!" Rory called over her shoulder as she  walked away and disappeared around the corner.

I sighed into the silence of the almost empty airport and checked the time on my phone for what felt like the hundredth time.

7:23am... When were they going to arrive? Was Rory right? Did we get the wrong airport?

My eyes started to get heavy as sleep began to take over. Rory would be back soon anyway. Just five minutes wouldn't hurt....

Namjoon's POV

We finally arrived in England after the thirteen hour flight and surprisingly the airport was pretty deserted.

"So where do we go from here?" Suga hyung asked

"I think our manager sent an assistant to take us into the city. They should be here somewhere..." I looked out at the small crowd of people in hope of seeing one of our names on a board but no such luck.

"Maybe they went to get a coffee?" Jimin suggested

"Man I could use a coffee right now" Jhope moaned.

"No no, tea! We're in England remember" Taehyung exclaimed while sitting on the back of a chair. Aish that kid...

"Guys lets stay focused, I know we're all hungry and tired but-" I started to say until I was cut off by Jin hyung.

"Guys, we have a problem. Manager texted me saying our assistant quit last minute. We have to get ourselves to London alone..."

"WHAT?!" We all exclaimed

"That's impossible!" Jimin shouted

"We'll get completely lost!" Jungkook chimed in

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. Could things get any worse?

"GUYS!" I yelled through the chaos "This is a terrible start, okay? But we just have to make it work."

"How?" Jin hyung asked. I thought for a few seconds before answering.

BTS On Tour (A Yoongi Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now