Mr. Macho

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It was medieval times, in maybe........... Mexico, there was a small town. It was a bright sunny day, happy people, joyful children and a basket floating along the river banks of San Mustish. A FLOATING BASKET?! Well here the story starts......

The basket was floating along, bumping into rocks and tree roots. From a dark side of a nearby forest came walking and had a good stare at the basket. He was a very pale faced man with jet-black hair and a typical Mexican beard.He was wearing a black robe which was covering a very skinny body. He picked the basket, looked in it and gave a awkward look at it. He wasn't with the basket one minute and wished to throw it away. But instead he took it to an old building around the middle of the town. The building was known as the "Heaven for Orphans". It was indeed an orphanage. He rang the bell, a rope tied to a cow bell, placed the basket on the door mat and ran away, across the road, across Old Man John's Saloon. He must be an ancestor of Usian Bolt or Milkha Singh! After a few seconds, a kind looking fat woman named Ellie came on the scene. She looked around, swing her neck right to left and closed the door. Closed the door!? Was blind or something? Then about a day later she opened the door to take milk from the milkman. She accidentally walked over the basket. And the first time ever she saw the basket. Holding the milk bottle she took the basket inside the building. She opened a Bundle of cloth and picked up a small baby with a big curly moustache. A BABY WITH A MOUSTACHE!! Well this all folks. Ellie gave a wide smile and introduced the baby to other orphans. Every gave a big laugh at him but suddenly silence occurred as Ellie, the angel of kindness ( sometimes ), shouted," Silence!!!" Ellie raised him with all her efforts, taught him " A B C D......." and many more things. He was five year old when he was sent to school with other children. When he entered the class room he saw all the children slapping, poking, kicking and throwing paper balls on one fat little boy. There was no place to sit so he managed to sit next to the fat boy. The teacher entered the class and the school started. The fat boy turned to Mustaché, it was his name called by other children, and said," Hello, I am Alex D'Sanchez. And you must be...." Mustaché suddenly said," Mustaché". Alex said," Yes, indeed.". And from that very moment they became friends. They grew up together. As teenagers they often looked for getting into trouble. They mostly trouble their neighbour and Police Chief " Gen.Connevult ". They often put rats in his pants. The last time they were caught was when Alex pushed Connevult in the sewer and got washed his face by a thorny bush by Mustaché. Ellie gave them a big lecture, which was about Two hours long. That very two hours Mustaché had his life changed as the lecture deeply influenced him. But as for Alex like an ancient song heard by a 25th Century kid. Mustaché left Alex's company and joined Colonel Danny's military training camp. After a hard training of ten years which embraced Mustaché's military skills. And he joined the Police unit of San Mustish. But Alex became a master mind criminal. Mustaché worked very hard and then after a few years he became the Chief of Whole Mexico. But as Mustaché got respect for good, Alex became the Southern America's greatest criminal. He must have murdered 100s of people and have looted several banks, cargos and rich palaces all around the American Embassy. As they spent their lives, they got great respects but a deadly rumour was passed by Alex. " Mustaché was afraid, is afraid and will be afraid of catching Alex ". This angered Mustaché and he went to chase Alex. But Alex was a big brainy man and escaped to San Mustish and built his central base there. Alex also went on a rampage around the Central Mexico. And Mustaché got in this trap. Alex took him in domination and killed all Mustaché's partners. But as childhood friends Alex kept him alive but in prison. Mustaché swore to avenge his partners and will stop the rumour. The very night, when every one were watching dreams Mustaché pulled his secret knife out of his boots and cut down the rope which was tied to him. He ran to the prison bars and pulled the guard's sword and escaped the prison. He ran to Alex's room, kick opened the door. But to Mustaché's surprise Alex was not there. Suddenly, a laughter came from behind Mustaché. He turned back a saw Alex leaning to the wall having loud laugh at Mustaché. Alex said," ( laugh ) Mustaché, Mustaché, you don't know me much. But I know every single thing about you. I already had an idea about your secret knife. And so, I was waiting for you to come to me." Saying this Alex pulled a lever next to him and the whole floor fall down on the ground and pulled his sword. Their fight started, and after a couple of minutes of their fight Alex fall on the ground with a missing arm and leg as it was cut by Mustaché. And then hundreds of Alex's game members came raining through nowhere and circled Mustaché. Mustaché was best swordsman but he couldn't fight so many people. But within a second all the gang members fall down with their necks apart. Mustaché was confused. He saw a man standing on the roof of a distant house. He jumped from there but fall down. After a couple of minutes he came through a narrow street with a backbone ache. He was the same man who picked Mustaché from the river. Mustaché didn't remember any thing but the man told him every thing. That man was Mustaché's and Alex's real father. This was a shock for both of them. But Mustaché had to do his duty. He arrested Alex and he was sentenced to be hanged. He then after Peace, until WW1. And Mustaché left the job of police and opened a multi-national, multi-functioning industry......."Papa Macho Industry"


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2013 ⏰

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