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Sup guys, Tis me-Jay.

(I made this because it was urgent lol.)

So of course like any Role-play book we have rules.

Unlike any other RP books I have Status Levels that will make your experience awesome, but I'll explain that later.

~•~ Rules~•~

1. Don't god mode, it's annoying as hell.

2. You're not allowed to kill Role-players-unless said otherwise. If you want to arrange a kill you have to decide that with the victim/victims somewhere else. For example PM or Kik, or any other social media that allows you to communicate with your fellow RP-ist. The same goes for Kidnappings and such.

3. NO magic allowed, unless the category is about magic or supernatural shit, or your character has powers like a Demon or something

4. You have to ask me to Role-Play here. You have to Describe your character to me threw PM. You also have to tell me what Category your Character will participate in, you can be in multiple RP's if you choose too.

5. Please don't let Uncle Brad touch you.

6. Lastly you HAVE TOO have fun.

I'll kick you out if you don't.

No just kidding XD.

~•~ Ranks~•~

As for Ranks, we have five different ranks starting from

•NRP-ers (New Role-players)
•RRPs (Regular Role-player's) ~>
•ERP-ers(Experienced Role-players)

•GRP-ers (Godly Role-players)
•ARP-ers (Admin Role-Players)

This may sound complicated, but to be honest it's not THAT complicated. The way I rank you is by you PM-ing me that you want to enter a Role-Play. You DONT have to do this every time you want to enter a new RP. You only do this when it's your first RP on this book, and every time you think you have improved to get over your level.

ARP-ers can do things that no other level can do because they are MY ADMINS.

They can:
• kick people if they want, with my permission of course.

• use Magic if they want to, with my permission.

• they can control the book, while I'm gone.

~•~ How To Get In An RP ~•~

So let's go over how to get in an RP!

First: You have to PM me when you finally want to Start or Enter a RP. It might take me a while to respond, because my PM button is kinda-fucked up. But I'll try to check everyday.

Second: When I do answer I'll ask you for a lot of information.

I'll ask you:
•Are you using an OC or an Arranged Character. If it's an OC you have to describe how he/she acts, backstory, appearance, and lastly gender and age.

•I'll ask you what Role-Play Category you want to sign up in.

•I'll give you a scenario and you have to tell me how your OC will React. If you are using an Arranged Character then you have to act JUST LIKE that character. Like this I'll tell you what Level you are in.

•I'll then give you your Level (please don't get mad at me if you're not placed in the level you wanted to be put in.) and sign you up by interrupting the RP and describing your Character to them. Remember you might not always be able to get into the RP, because I will ask the RP host(which is the person who started it all) in that case don't get mad, I'll find you another RP.

*~ Private rooms~*~
If you want to get a private room for your friends, you can DM me and ill upload one as fast as i can for you!~

~•~ Strikes ~•~

Strikes are what keep people safe here. If you violate any of my rules, I will be informed about it by my Admins. This will cause you to have a Strike. Once you have five strikes I will kick you for a day. Ten strikes and I'll kick you for three days, and it goes up three days every five strikes. When you reach 20 Strikes you will be permanently banned from this book.
~•~Current ARP-ers~•~

Yea most accounts are from Death Note.


That's it!

That's all I have to explain in a nutshell. If you have any questions or request for things that are bothering you PLEASE PM ME!!!

You'll make the book better.

Thank you guys for reading this, remember to Follow me if you have not already(this will help me gain more popularity and it might bring new RP-ers to our Fabulous Book.) Vote this chapter, and EVERY chapter (this will help the book gain more popularity and maybe new RP-ers), and with that said- ILL TAKE MY LEAVE

BUH BYE!!!<3

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