Let Me Love You

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******Stella P.O.V.******

I laid there in the summer grass of Scotland. I loved the feel of the green plush against my soft skin. I closed my eyes and listened to the birds on this rare sunny day.

I had loved Scotland for as long as I could remember. My mother had given her love for the land to me. When I was little, we made the trip from Cheshire. Of course I had been barely old enough to remember so I had always wanted to go back.

And now I was here! And so excited!
I opened my eyes to see one of my best friends ever, Harry Styles. That's right my best friend was THE Harry Styles. I grew up with the whole group of 1 Direction. Well when your adopted brother was Niall Horan, that happens. The whole group was like one giant family. They were all like brothers to me. Well almost all of them.
Harry stared down at me.

"You goin' to come out of that brain of your's long enough to listen to me, Stella?" He asked.

I smiled up at him, but didn't answer him. Niall came over and leaned over me too. My smile widened.

Soon I knew I would have to move or talk. Soon all five guys would be standing around me waiting to go back to the hotel.

It was our 3rd day in Scotland and the only one so far that it didn't rain. I had gotten my wish. Now I could finally, FINALLY, cross off "Lay in Scotland grass" from my "Things to Do Before I Die" list.

"I'm afraid we've lost her again. She's back to swimming around in that head of hers," Zayn's voice came from around my feet area.

I came back to see that Zayn and Liam had joined Harry and Niall. I continued to smile up at them until Louis chimed in; his voice getting louder as he neared. He took the remaining spot, standing over my head.

"Try offering the lady a hand if you truly want her to get up. You can't expect her to do all the work," Louis said smiling down at me. He winked at me making me blush.

There I went getting lost again. Louis, Louis, Louis, my head chanted as I looked up into his eyes. Why don't you love me Louis?

Louis was the one of the group that I didn't see as an older brother or a brother of any kind. I was in love with everything about him from his gorgeous blue eyes down to his sockless toes. He was funny, charming, completely mad, and of course he was taken. In love with another girl, he was.

I sighed and sat up.

"You know it's easier to get up when you don't have a group of lads in the way," I joked. Thats what I was good at. Joking off everything that I didn't want to talk about. I slapped Harry in the leg. "Move ya silly wanker."

Harry stepped back allowing me to stand up. I smiled at them all though I made sure to avoid direct eye contact with Louis.

"You shouldn't call people names. It's not very nice," Liam said.

"I'll call who ever I want whatever I want. You're not my pappy," I said sticking my tongue out at Liam.

Harry pulled on one of my French braided pigtails.

"I'll race you to the car, Ella!" Harry yelled before taking off toward the car.

"Oh you cheata!" I screamed, taking off a split-second after Harry.

******Louis P.O.V******

I laughed as the two ran. Harry and Stella were at it again. The two of them would die old playing pranks on each other.

Harry was my best friend. Out of all the guys and girl, Harry was the person I could trust the most, but how could it be that the one person you trust the most is also the person you hate the most?

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