Band Bonding

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The moment they had arrived outside of Harry's house, Zayn was already second guessing this whole band thing. The other four boys were nice, yeah, vibrant with excitement at the endless possibilities for the future, wide smiles and clingy hands.

The thing is, they're loud.

Usually, Zayn doesn't mind a bit of mindless chatter during car rides, could have possibly taken a quick nap to the sound of Harry's slow drawl, pointing out the places he's got stashed in his memory. Zayn's got his head against the window, letting the cold press of glass and the hum of the engine ease him into unconsciousness. It's then that Louis squawks rather ear piercingly, trying, but failing pathetically to keep Harry's eager fingers away from his extremely sensitive sides.

Liam, bless the poor kid, looks equal parts uncomfortable and fond, making himself as small as possible against the window as Harry and Louis wrestle each other in the middle row of the van. Zayn feels sick. It may be from the long ride without so much as a snack, but all he knows is that he needs to get some fresh air in his lungs before he pukes. He rubs his palm over his stomach, face twisted in obvious pain, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth slowly. There was a crunch to his right, crinkling of a bag, and then a gentle hand was on his thigh. Zayn's stomach lurks for reasons that have nothing to do with the car sickness.

Niall Horan is sunshine. That is the only way Zayn can describe him, because the first time he ever noticed the boy, he radiated this energy that held the power of a thousands suns, almost as if it was running through his blood, expelling through his wide smile and bright eyes. Niall was the first person to talk to him since he'd gotten through auditions, bounding over to him with a guitar hung around his chest, fingers thumbing at the strings as he sang a looser version of Zayn's audition song to him.

Zayn was so caught off guard by this walking ray of light, singing out the chorus until he stopped right in front of Zayn, mess of lingering contestants watching him in fascination, that all Zayn could do was bite at his tongue to try and contain his smile, bones on the verge of vibrating.

"Niall Horan," He'd introduced himself, sticking his hand out to Zayn with that ever present grin. "Don't tell Liam, but i'm rootin' for you in this." He whispered like a secret, hand cupped to the side of his mouth. Zayn laughed, this burst of genuine warmth bubbling out of his mouth. Niall winked, like that was his goal this whole time, and Zayn finally felt like he could do this, he would do this.

When Zayn looks over, Niall's smiling easy, and Zayn knows it's directed at Harry and Louis, who have managed to squeeze into a proper cuddle in one seat. Niall has his sunnies on, the white ones with green tinted around the edges, and Zayn itches to take them off, unveil the eyes that have told Zayn nothing but truth since he's first spoken to the boy. Niall tuns to him then, smile going softer, and hands Zayn a fresh water bottle, tipping his head towards him like a question. Zayn takes it, and watches Niall watching him as he drinks, even when his lungs protest in need of air.

Harry had been the one to suggest this getting to know you weekend, assuring the other four boys that the house was fully stocked with food and beer, as well as blessings from his father and strict instructions to not destroy the house. Zayn agreed, albeit with less enthusiasm as the rest of the boys.

Once out of the car, Zayn breathed in the open air around him until his lungs felt like they were going to pop. The heavy scent of wood was thick, as if a nearby neighbor was fueling a campfire, the trees surrounding Mr. Styles' bungalow as tall as the clouds. Zayn suddenly felt as if he'd been sent away to summer camp, itching to call his mom to pick him up and take him home. Another breath full of pine needles and dirt, swirling inside of his lungs like the thick smoke he can just see between an opening of the tall trees, and the anxiousness that had been suffocating him throughout the car ride dissipates, just a bit. Just enough.

Right From The Start [OT5, Ziall, Niam, Zaniam, Larry]Where stories live. Discover now